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A Tudor Christmas
A Tudor Christmas | Alison Weir, Siobhan Clarke
8 posts | 4 read | 12 to read
Christmas in Tudor times was a period of feasting, revelry and merrymaking to drive the cold winter away. A carnival atmosphere presided at court, with a twelve-day-long festival of entertainments, pageants, theatre productions and disguisings, when even the king and queen dressed up in costume to fool their courtiers. Throughout the festive season, all ranks of subjects were freed for a short time from everyday cares to indulge in eating, drinking, dancing and game-playing. We might assume that our modern Christmas owes much to the Victorians. In fact, as Alison Weir and Siobhan Clarke reveal in this fascinating book, many of our favourite Christmas traditions date back much further. Carol-singing, present-giving, mulled wine and mince pies were all just as popular in Tudor times, and even Father Christmas and roast turkey dinners have their origins in this period. The festival was so beloved by English people that Christmas traditions survived remarkably unchanged in this age of tumultuous religious upheaval. Beautifully illustrated with original line drawings throughout, this enchanting compendium will fascinate anyone with an interest in Tudor life and anyone who loves Christmas.
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A Tudor Christmas | Alison Weir, Siobhan Clarke
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An interesting little book about the traditions of a Tudor Christmas. It's surprising how many traditions & foodstuffs have managed to survive to modern day, even if they are in a slightly different form today. Mince pies once did indeed contain minced meat but this was gradually phased out until they became the sweet pie of today, whilst the traditional Christmas pudding also went from a savoury dish to a sweet pudding with the removal of meat.

OutsmartYourShelf That's one thing you can say for the Tudors, they were definitely carnivores!

It did meander a little into the Puritans & ye-olde-killjoy Oliver Cromwell who is outside the scope of Tudor history but 'tis a minor quibble. With plenty of little anecdotes alongside illustrations & quotations from period-contemporary poems, ballads, & carols, this is a treat for any history buffs. 4🌟

Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6018105006
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 10mo
Catsandbooks 🍭❄️❤️ 10mo
BookmarkTavern That sounds so interesting! 10mo
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A Tudor Christmas | Alison Weir, Siobhan Clarke
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The New Year was more important to the Tudors than Christmas #mistletoemaniacs #wintergames2021 +6pts

A Tudor Christmas | Alison Weir, Siobhan Clarke
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This little book covers the history of a Tudor-era Christmas (essentially 12 days of hardcore merriment and partying) with chapters coinciding with each day, from December 24th to Epiphany.

I‘m saving it to start on Christmas Eve. 😄

Day 14

Aimeesue Ha! I was thinking of posting this one tonight! 😂 (edited) 5y
LeahBergen @Aimeesue I imagine we have quite a bit of shelf crossover. 😆 5y
Daisey This sounds really interesting! 5y
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Centique Oh wow, I have a serious case of the “I wants” now! Off to the library to see if they have it 😍 5y
Centique AND THEY DO! 😁✊🎉🎉 5y
Birdsong28 I read it last year. I just read the day it was and it worked so well. Enjoy 5y
mklong Oh no, now you‘ve made me go and buy another Christmas present for myself! 5y
LeahBergen @Daisey Doesn‘t it? I love a bit of history at Christmas. 5y
LeahBergen @Centique Oh, good! 👏🏻👏🏻 5y
LeahBergen @Birdsong28 I saw your lovely review! 😘 5y
LeahBergen @mklong We always must consider the most important person in our life, right? 😆 5y
rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen @Birdsong28 What a good idea to read the appropriate part each day! 🎄📚 5y
saresmoore Sometimes I just scroll leisurely through your photos because they‘re all so lovely! 5y
LeahBergen @saresmoore What a nice thing to say! 😘😘😘 5y
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A Tudor Christmas | Alison Weir, Siobhan Clarke
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Well we have survived Twelfth Night and have reached Epiphany although our Tudor revels really do not end until February 2 on Candlemas. This book was perfect to read for the 12 days of Christmas from December 24- January 6. I will revisit this from year to year I am sure and I look forward to similar books on other historical traditions at Christmastime. Time to get back to the plough⏳

Clare_Riley @Booksnchill I was going to buy this (Alison Weir fan 👋), and then for some reason I didn‘t! I might just do it anyway! 6y
Booksnchill @Clare_Riley it was very interesting and only 180p. I hope she does more of these! 6y
Redwritinghood This sounds interesting. I like her books, but I haven‘t seen this one before. 6y
Booksnchill @Redwritinghood new in 2018- I heard about it on a Guardian podcast 6y
LeahBergen I wanted this one this year. I‘ll make sure to pick it up before next Christmas! 6y
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A Tudor Christmas | Alison Weir, Siobhan Clarke
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The tagged book is my choice for the ticked prompt on #popsugarchallenge

A Tudor Christmas | Alison Weir, Siobhan Clarke
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Very good. This book is the perfect accompant to the festive season. I read it each day on the day stated as each chapter is a day starting on 24th December and ending on 6th Jan covering the 12 days of Christmas and I found it to be the best way to read it. Very informative. Thank you #NetGalley for the proof copy.


A Tudor Christmas | Alison Weir, Siobhan Clarke
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Merry Christmas- time to wake up and read!!!🎅📚

CrowCAH Merry Christmas 🎄 6y
Booksnchill Merry Christmas!🎁 6y
Avanders Merry Christmas! 🎄♥️ 6y
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Booksnchill @Avanders Have an excellent day💖🍫📚🎄🎁 6y
Kaye Merry Christmas ♥️ 6y
Booksnchill @kaye Have a brilliant day!😘 6y
Bookzombie Merry Christmas! 🎄🎅🏻 6y
Booksnchill @Bookzombie Merry Christmas to you!🎁💖 6y
DGRachel What a cute mug! Merry Christmas! 6y
Booksnchill @DGRachel thanks- I saved the mug especially for this morning but I think now I‘ll use it all year long! Merry Christmas 🎄💖 6y
BookwormAHN Merry Christmas 🎄 6y
Booksnchill @BookwormAHN Merry Christmas to you!🎁💖 6y
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A Tudor Christmas | Alison Weir, Siobhan Clarke
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Got this gem of a history of the Tudor Christmas to read over the twelve days of Christmas which begin today on Christmas eve, the end of advent. Let the feasting and revelry begin!!!🎄👑🐗🍊

tpixie Fun!! 6y
rubyslippersreads You might have just talked me into buying a book now that I was going to wait till next Christmas for. 😄🎄👑 6y
Booksnchill @rubyslippersreads yes it starts today and does chapters from now until 12th night- so fun! 6y
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Booksnchill @tpixie i am really enjoying learning so much about the history of this time of year! 6y
Redwritinghood Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁 6y
Booksnchill @Redwritinghood merry christmas!!🍫🎄📚 6y
tpixie I need to read this!! Stacked! 6y
Susannah This looks terrific! 6y
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