Lol I wish I'd brought my book in... I'm babysitting my sweet granddaughter and she's not the best napper today sooo I'm just gonna sit here and snuggle her while she sleeps💗 #ilovemygrandkids #babylove #turnedupnoses #bestsmellever #glammagramma
Lol I wish I'd brought my book in... I'm babysitting my sweet granddaughter and she's not the best napper today sooo I'm just gonna sit here and snuggle her while she sleeps💗 #ilovemygrandkids #babylove #turnedupnoses #bestsmellever #glammagramma
Can I have my heart back???
Wow. This book put me in the feels BIG TIME. It‘s not just a sappy high school romance like I had expected. It‘s all about building family (even step family) and friend relationships, plus honoring and respecting our military. Ugh just so good I can‘t handle it!
#family #genie #books #paranormal