I love how my grandkids all love books and these 2 spend some quality book time together! #grammaslibrary #ilovemygrandkids #kidsthatread #myheart #mowillems
I love how my grandkids all love books and these 2 spend some quality book time together! #grammaslibrary #ilovemygrandkids #kidsthatread #myheart #mowillems
I wonder what these two are jabbering about? Love them to the moon and back 💕 #ilovemygrandkids #glammagramma #yougolo #sonderbug #babiesandbooks #myheart
Sonder loves Dr. Seuss 💗nothing better than reading to a baby on your lap. #glammagramma #ilovemygrandkids #babiesnbooks #drseuss #youarekind
It's been five days since I picked up a book that doesn't include pictures of dinosaurs or princesses (see previous post). Mom and dad should be home soon and baby is snoozing. Being Gramma is definitely the best gig in the world!! I love these kiddos and am going to miss them like crazy when I go home tomorrow💗💗💗 luckily they don't live too terribly far away! #dogsoflitsy #glammagramma #ilovemygrandkids
Sharing my favorite reading spot with my favorite baby girl, Logan Jae. #ilovemygrandkids #sullyssaloon #readingbabies #grammaslibrary
Nothing better than a squishy baby sitting in your lap reading and feeling books 💗 #ilovemygrandkids #yougolo #babybooks
Going to disappear into this book for as long as kids' naps will allow. I'm watching my 2 grandsons and even though they've been perfect and napping close to schedule, mom thinks I'm not following her rules close enough.... It's a wonder her and her 3 siblings survived... #frustrated #notgoodenough #ilovemygrandkids #lovingdaisy
Not book related but makes me smile. This is my 4 month old granddaughter, Logan, watching her daddy and big sis play in the snow. #ilovemygrandkids #yougolo #fomo #babiesoflitsy #cuteness #snowangels
Lol I wish I'd brought my book in... I'm babysitting my sweet granddaughter and she's not the best napper today sooo I'm just gonna sit here and snuggle her while she sleeps💗 #ilovemygrandkids #babylove #turnedupnoses #bestsmellever #glammagramma