Somehow I missed this book when it came out 17 years ago. Have I missed much? I‘m sorting through donated books and, for all I know, this might be gem?
Somehow I missed this book when it came out 17 years ago. Have I missed much? I‘m sorting through donated books and, for all I know, this might be gem?
I started this journey 7 months ago. I feel like I've read every page at least 3 times. This book was a gift and is also recommended within the pages of my favorite book, Repeatlessness by Joe Marshalla. I love all the new ways Lynn Grabhorn suggests we think positively and feel bliss just by changing the focus. You are not just your physical self; you are energy and the universe around you...
Hard to swallow, but most good advice is. The chapter on relationships has me thinking hard. I've got a lot of old beliefs that don't serve me, yet they are familiar, so I think them a lot. My biggest fear is that everything is going to be more fantastic than it's ever been. What comes next?
Happy #worldbookday and happy #worldbooknight !
I don't have the brain for programming tonight, so I'm annotating this feel-good book with kawaii stickers. Not pictured: raisins.
"So if you have five dozen friends and family telling you to do "this," but your deepest impulse is to do "that," always, always follow your impulse (provided it feels good!). Why? Just do it a few times and you'll see why. Your Guidance system is doing all it knows how to get you where you want to go to follow your Original Intent. So give it a chance. Tune in and listen up; that Expanded Self knows what it's doing."
Organic wine, a motivational book, and stickers. Let the creativity flow!
Mmm, I'm going to make good food 🍳 and then I'll come back and decorate this book more. Maybe I can finish a whole chapter before my evening server shift. #graphicnovel #stickers #illustrations
@Eggs I erased all the #pencil #underlining... I think it was throwing me off. 😊
And now as I read, I shall decorate the pages with #kawaii stickers! 😁
I write on my #bookmarks too. This #bookmark has #vocabulary that is new to me. Do you keep record of new words you come across?
es·pal·ier - əsˈpalyər, esˈpälyər, esˈpalyā/ - noun - a fruit tree or ornamental shrub whose branches are trained to grow flat against a wall, supported on a lattice or a framework of stakes.
reading at the court house
I'm noticing that Lynn is leaving out some passages in the audiobook. I like her storytelling style and the emotional emphasis and gusto! It reminds me of Tony Robbins' Get the Edge at times.
It's both motivational and instructional, and I want to finish both listening to the audiobook and then reading the book. 🔊📖
I'm so happy and grateful now that I'm tuned in to my senses and needs, all the time, in every situation. 🐺
\(^o^)/ Buckle up! The audiobook is getting really good! Just had to let you know. (^•^)
How to get more of what you want.
Step 1. Identify what you DON'T want.
Step 2. From that, identify what you DO want.
Step 3. Get into the feeling place of what you want
Step 3.1. Really imagine how you'd feel right now if you already had what you wanted. See it happening in your mind's eye and believe it. Only focus on what you want and NOT on how much you lack it.
Step 4. Expect, listen, and allow it to happen.
I added step 3.1
[Our] greatest obstacle ... comes from ... when we were trained to look for what's wrong--with everything! ... Yet most of the world can't even agree about what right or wrong is...
Am I doing the brackets and elipses right? 😅
So far the author sounds like she's good friends with Joe Marshalla and Marshall Rosenberg. Thinking by judging doesn't enact change.
#feelings #energy #judgement #emotionalintelligence
Before I begin this book, I'd like to know why I'm noticing lots off different people in my feed posting the same books? Are y'all in a book club? How do I join? Can I start a bookclub and invite people to read this book with me? Are book clubs an option here? Please help, I'm so new to this, and I've never been in a book club in real life. Just really hoping to talk with people reading the same genre as me. Am I missing something?
I was all into it until 3/4 of the way through, then it just got a little too outlandish for me.