Starting this #Pagehabit giveaway from a few months ago.
Starting this #Pagehabit giveaway from a few months ago.
I liked the idea behind this book, which is told from the perspective of a young woman in 1940's Germany and her granddaughter 75ish years later after the missing grandmother's body is discovered in an unlikely location. What I didn't like was how forced the plot felt. There were too many coincidences that were relied upon by the author to make the story come together. Overall, I enjoyed, but did not love this one.
I finished this one up today. It will be in the mail to @Velvetsun tomorrow! #lmpbc #GroupZ #round3 @Lidia @shellleigh33
I let myself really get down to the wire on this one. I have only 5 days before this book needs to be in the mail to my next group member for #lmpbc #round3 #GroupZ. @Velvetsun @Lidia @shellleigh33
Here's hoping it's a quick read for me! 🤞
Still trying to figure out time management with the new job & yesterday was insane, so finally getting this review up. There's a lot of story packed into this short historical mystery. I enjoyed the dual perspectives-grandmother & granddaughter-especially the Germany in WWII view. Good twists that kept me guessing the final outcome. Paired with Trout with Almonds & Butter-Parsley Fingerling Potatoes for my book tour review.🤗Review/recipe link👇🏻
Saturday & a 3-day weekend which makes me very 😃Week 3 of the new job is done & starting to settle in & finish up the remaining client projects that have been taking up my non-work time-so hopefully things will calm down a bit. Blood tests this morning 😱& now I'm at my happy place, neighborhood coffee shop doing some blogging & starting this book for review. Thought I ordered deviled avocado with GF bread-but got avocado toast. Either way it's😋
Whoa! This book was so unusual—part WWII historical fiction, part thriller. I have to say it had me guessing and turning the pages along the way. It took a little to get into and while the writing style was very matter of fact, the story flowed so well it was hard not to get swept up in it. Great debut!
This was definitely a pick for me since it combines mystery, murder, family drama and two storylines that ultimately connect. One of them set in Germany right before the start of WWII. This is heading your way @shellleigh33 ! #LMPBC #GroupZ #Round3 @Velvetsun @cherinium
#pagehabit opening! I chose the historical fiction genre. I got the tagged book, socks, a cute pencil with an kitty, and a bookmark with a Victor Hugo quote. There was also a letter from the author and there are post-it note annotations in the book. I like the charity aspect as well. If you‘d like to check it out here is the link: https://pagehabit.com/accept-invite?inviter=130590&platform_id=00&product_id=936...