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Noise of Time
Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
A compact masterpiece dedicated to the Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich: Julian Barnes s first novel since his best-selling, Man Booker Prize winning "The Sense of an Ending." In 1936, Shostakovich, just thirty, fears for his livelihood and his life. Stalin, hitherto a distant figure, has taken a sudden interest in his work and denounced his latest opera. Now, certain he will be exiled to Siberia (or, more likely, executed on the spot), Shostakovich reflects on his predicament, his personal history, his parents, various women and wives, his children and all who are still alive themselves hang in the balance of his fate. And though a stroke of luck prevents him from becoming yet another casualty of the Great Terror, for decades to come he will be held fast under the thumb of despotism: made to represent Soviet values at a cultural conference in New York City, forced into joining the Party and compelled, constantly, to weigh appeasing those in power against the integrity of his music. Barnes elegantly guides us through the trajectory of Shostakovich s career, at the same time illuminating the tumultuous evolution of the Soviet Union. The result is both a stunning portrait of a relentlessly fascinating man and a brilliant exploration of the meaning of art and its place in society."
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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یکی برای شنیدن
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جولین بارنز با قلم شیوای خود دراین رمان به زندگی دیمتری شوستاکوویچ آهنگساز بزرگ روس می پردازد.
سوالی که از خود پس از خواندن کتاب می پرسی این است ، گفتمان های قدرت تا چه میزان صداقت هنری هنرمندان را تحت الشعاع خود قرار دادند ‌؟ جولین بارنز از زبان شوستاکوویچ می گوید به آثارم توجه کن نه به گفته هایم
#bookstagram #readingnook #julianbarnes #goodreads #shostakovich#whatimreading

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes

Thanks to this book I found the second Waltz! 💕

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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This novel, by Julian Barnes, is about the life of Shostakovich (Russian composer) during Stalin's reign in Russia. It is Brilliant! I loved the way it was written, in short compact episodes, which made not much sense at first but if you persevere it all comes together quite quickly. Highly recommended for historical fiction buffs. I'm even going to try to write something in this style and format. Maybe a short story.

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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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Julian or Djuna? Story of my life...

scripturient Choices, choices. 😁😁 5y
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Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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Midnight: just finishing a great book, listening to the rain and my dog's breathing as he sleeps in his bed. All else is calm and quiet. Bliss.


(My husband's on a business trip, so no snoring!)

Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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My book club meeting to discuss this book is in a few hours.

As usual, I started the book way too late, but as soon as I picked it up, I read it pretty much in one sitting.

Almost more character-study than novel, this book explores the interaction between art, state and memory. The language is gorgeous and Shostakovich a fascinating character. I‘m interested in learning more about the real-life version.

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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#SeptemberDanes #rocketbrothers I saw this book The Noise Of Time in my sons house yesterday while I was minding my little granddaughter...
it kind of works for #rocket 🚀🚀

MStew 😍 6y
TrishB Lovely books 💕 6y
Kalalalatja Great stack! 😍 6y
erzascarletbookgasm 🚀 are definitely loud! 😉 6y
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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No wonder I haven't read any books by straight white cis dudes in years. This is the kind of mediocre 'lit fic' shit that gets nominated for the Booker?? As dry as a piece of toast left out in the sun. If I could have hated this I probably would have enjoyed reading it more, but alas it only bored me to tears. A few cleverly put phrases about art do not an engaging novel make.

batsy This is an excellent pan 😁 7y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @batsy hehe writing this pan was funner than reading the book 7y
Laney1733 😆🤣😆🤣 7y
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WhatDeeReads Tell us home you really feel Casey. Don‘t hold back. 🤣 7y
WhatDeeReads @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian I feel you though. I‘ve pretty much decided that if a book either it‘s author and or characters don‘t have at least two marginalizations, I‘m out. Been reading almost exclusively WOC for a while. 7y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @WhatDeeReads 👍 I mean, you pretty much can't go wrong with WOC authors. Most of my fav writers are WOC, including N.K. Jemisin, Nalo Hopkinson (also IDs as queer), and Octavia Butler. 7y
WhatDeeReads @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian it doesn‘t get better than those three. I‘ll never be able to repay the Aunt Who first out an Octavia Butler book in my hands. 7y
UrsulaMonarch @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @WhatDeeReads I love the work of Jemisin & Butler, but haven't read Hopkinson - any recommendations on where to start? Great discussion! 😄 7y
UrsulaMonarch @WhatDeeReads thanks so much!! Stacked 7y
UrsulaMonarch @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian thank you! Both stacked!! 📚📚 7y
UrsulaMonarch @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @WhatDeeReads I love where this post about Julian Barnes went!! Thanks again! 💚 7y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @Lkelly Ha, me too! Don't read this white man, read this blacj woman instead! 7y
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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Gonna try to make it through this boring book by eating an exciting colourful snack of roasted beet hummus and veggies!

MrBook Hmmm, not up @MrBook 's alley, but definitely up @BookBabe 's. 😉👍🏻(The food, that is.) (edited) 7y
DebbieGrillo The book on the burner is freaking me out. 🔥🔥🔥 7y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @DebbieGrillo Ha! I didn't even think of that. It was off, obviously! 7y
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Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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TrishB Another author I‘ve yet to read! 7y
Cinfhen I'm hoping to read 7y
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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This is the pick for the book club I'm going to be running at the library I work at, so I have to read it. It sure feels weird to be reading a lit fic book by and about a straight white dude. Haven't done that for years, literally.

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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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Received this book from our book club Xmas. It‘s a fictional story of the Russian composer Shostakovich but so much more. I finished it this morning and I‘m sure I‘ll be thinking about it for some time. Highly recommend. So many great quotes also. Having never read one of his books before, I am impressed. Very talented. @MrsMalaprop

Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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A book about a composer during Stalin's regime. For yesterdays #🎼 #emojinov

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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"Sarcasm was irony which had lost its soul" p. 175

ScorpioBookDreams This picture is stunning! 😍😍 7y
TrulyBookish @ScorpioBookDreams - I found it on Pinterest ... I collect images of women reading ... some fabulous paintings/drawings. I didn't want you to think I'd drawn it. (edited) 7y
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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"She was not fitted for domesticity [...] neither by temperament nor habit."

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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Another fascinating perspective on courage, and maybe how real life would pan out. Shostakovich lived so long , he found himself being coerced into appending his name to denunciations of, to name a few,Chekhov, Stravinsky, Solzhenitsyn, and his own opera, Lady Macbeth of Mtensk.

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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Lovely paragraph in a book filled with passages that make you stop and think. Easy to criticise others for not standing up to power when you have nothing to lose from it. I found it particularly haunting that Shostakovich would pack and wait every night to be called in for questioning, instead of being taken by surprise.Also interesting to read of his public humiliation by Nicolas Nabokov, from his perspective.

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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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Even though the cover says it's a novel, I count this one as non fiction. An interesting account of the life of my favorite composer, told in a narrative setting. Super cool if you like Russian history or music history. #5555giveaway

Megabooks 👍🏻👍🏻 It counts! 7y
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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Lucy: “This book is about this musical composer I‘m really interested in, Dmitri Shostakovich. He was an artist during Stalin‘s rule when composers were employed by the state. Their art was very tightly controlled and restricted. Despite being oppressively scrutinized, Shostakovich managed to somehow please the state while making incredibly personal, beautiful music. It was a terrible but interesting time in history.”

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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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What a brilliant book! (finished on my tube home). Shostakovich and his struggle with Power and integrity over a lifetime in Soviet Russia. And you don't need to know much (anything!) about his music. But I want to find out more now.

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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes

Barnes shows real sensitivity to Shostakovich's music and source material. His memoir feels true - and speaks to the noise of our time. #HistoricalFiction #StalinistRussia #Music #fascism #Shostakovich

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes

This book is endlessly quotable. The well-turned thought or phrase is where the real action is - plot sidles along in an occasional, offhand way. Can sometimes read almost as a series of very good tweets - but the voice of Shostakovich is impeccably imagined, and precisely composed.

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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Perhaps this was one of the tragedies life plots for us: it is our destiny to become in old age what in youth we would have most despised.

8little_paws Welcome to Litsy! My preferred social media platform. 8y
Proustian Thanks, love it so far! I will check out your profile. I switched from 'Gallumph' to 'Proustian', is that a decent username? Hope you're well, considering! 8y
8little_paws @Proustian that's a great user name! I am doing well! Having a quiet Saturday night at home with big 8y
8little_paws That should say books, not big! Hope you're well also, and have fun with Litsy!! It's a great place to meet smart readers and avoid the endless drama and news cycles of Facebook/Twitter. 8y
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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Glass of red wine and a good novel about socialist realism and the 1930s purges of Soviet Union.... oooft what more could I ask for?

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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"Good music would always be good music"

Finito! Going to make some tea, take a shelfie then get on with the next book on my list :D

#24in48 #24in48readathon

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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On the bus but close enough. On my way to the coffee shop and then the library I volunteer at. Make no doubt that I will continue my reading exploits until the second I serve my first customer in the library!
#24in48readathon #24in48 #readathon #bus

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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"Yes, yes, I see your point. I'm sure you're right. But let's leave it for now. We'll make that change next time round."

Me whenever I see how I could improve my life in some way. :')

#24in48readathon #24in48 #readathon

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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Making green tea and getting ready to slice this mofo in half for #24in48readathon #24in48 #julianbarnes #thenoiseoftime #tea #greentea #teacup

BookBabe Adorable cup! 8y
Jenshootsweddings 🙌🏻 8y
The_Book_Wyrm @BookBabe Thanks, it's part of a tea for ons set :) 8y
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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As someone who's never in their life studied Soviet Russia, this is a pretty challenging read :'). I'm enjoying it but at the same time it's burning my brain trying to understand most of it haha. #bestseller #julianbarnes #thenoiseoftime #sovietrussia

Proustian Have you listened to any Shostakovich? Try the string quartets! 8y
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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I don't know much about Shostakovich beyond his music so it was fascinating to see the parallels and divergences between his life under communism and those of other Russian intelligentsia, particularly Bulgakov. This is a fictionalised account but it's a great study (and a timely reminder) of how people are forced to bend and break under overweening Power. Does anyone else make playlists to go with their reading material?

Kalalalatja If I listen ti music while reading it is mostly classical without lyrics. Otherwise I get distracted by the words 😄 8y
Moray_Reads @Kalalalatja When I was younger lyrics never bothered me but now I get distracted too, it depends on the book. I have some books I read as a teenager that are so closely associated with certain bands in my head that I can't think of one without the other! 8y
Tsubame What you wrote about this book strongly reminded me of Do Not Say We Have Nothing and I was playing the music mentioned in the book all the time and usually do that whenever music is referred to. I generally like to have something playing in the background, but instrumental only while reading :) 8y
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Moray_Reads is on my tbr, like everything else 😉 I have a few composers that I particularly like to listen to while reading but sometimes I just shuffle my classical playlist 8y
missevievelyn I make hour-long playlists of movie soundtrack music and classical music etc. to listen to! I often make them based on themes, like subdued or mysterious or action-packed, so that I can pick the right one for the book I'm reading 😊 (edited) 8y
LindsayReads Yes! I used to make playlists to books I read. Also, have you ever read MT Anderson's Symphony for the City of the Dead? Sounds like there's probably some overlap with the Barnes book, but it focuses on the siege of Leningrad. 8y
Moray_Reads @LindsayReads I've never come across that one, thanks, it sounds like my cup of tea 8y
moranadatter No, but if a book makes a music reference I listen to that song, band, composer, etc. 8y
Moray_Reads @BookishTrish Oh thanks ❤ Have you 8y
Moray_Reads @BookishTrish oops, pressed send too early. Have you read both? Is there one you preferred over the other? 8y
BookishTrish @Moray_Reads I got Leningrad for Christmas and it's still TBR, I liked the MT Anderson much better than the Barnes 8y
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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An old favourite for dinner (prawn and artichoke spaghetti), a new book and cupcakes awaiting. Best of all, it's Friday tomorrow and there's a whole weekend of reading ahead 💛

saresmoore Yum. Pure delight. 8y
Reviewsbylola 🤤🤤🤤 8y
Kalalalatja Looks so good! 👌 8y
vivastory Looks delicious. There was a film adaptation recently of a Barnes book. Haven't heard of it's worthwhile. 8y
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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Our Fiction Book of the Month comes from the inimitable Julian Barnes; The Noise of Time is his first novel since The Sense of an Ending and it is an absolute masterpiece.

Cinfhen This was suggested at book club Thursday night, but got shot down for 8y
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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"Irony, he had come to realise, was as vulnerable to the accidents of life and time as any other sense. You woke up one morning and no longer knew if your tongue was in your cheek..."

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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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The end is near

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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A book about how being declared enemy of the state affects not only you but your family as well, when you live in a country with one all powerful leader. Even if this is fiction I can still feel the protagonist's agony. A powerful, but short read.

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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"If music is tragic, those with asses' ears accuse it of being cynical. But when a composer is bitter, or in despair, or pessimistic, that still means he believes in something."

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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This book 👌🏻#decemberreads

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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I said I wasn't going to read anything I have already finished so I could tackle my #tbr pile but this novel though...I couldn't resist picking it back up for a second read #firstreadofdec #youagain #couldntforgetit

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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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Julian Barnes explores what it was to be Dmitrii Shostakovich and to consider the place of art in life, society and one's soul.

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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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"Theories were clean and convincing and comprehensible. Life was messy and full of nonsense."

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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I read about Stalin seeing Shostakovich's opera and having a terrible time and then declaring him a Former Person literally days before Mike Pence saw Hamilton and had a bad time and Trump called on the cast to apologize.

The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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The Noise of Time | Julian Barnes
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