A great addition to my folk tales and fairy tale collection. Yolen‘s short novel incorporates elements of Russian folk stories -Vasilisa! Kostchai the Deathless! The Ivan!- into the story of a modern day runaway. Fabulous! 🪆 🐓 🥣
A great addition to my folk tales and fairy tale collection. Yolen‘s short novel incorporates elements of Russian folk stories -Vasilisa! Kostchai the Deathless! The Ivan!- into the story of a modern day runaway. Fabulous! 🪆 🐓 🥣
Lord help me I started another book. Currently reading 7 books it's fine....
This is a short one. Just enough time to read in the tub while washing the bonfire smell out my hair. 🔥
#poetry #prose #shortfic #bubblebathbooks
An interesting and unique read. Basically a book of poems that tell a linear story. So much is conveyed with very few words. Highly recommended one-sitting short novel.
“Stories retold are stories remade.“ Jane Yolen takes the characters of the Baba Yaga story, creates a modern family, and tells the story in verse. It's a journey to find one's own voice, strength, and truth. It is beautiful. Magical. And this will definitely be one that I read again and again. So glad I found this one at #readercon last week!
Trying to squeeze in a little reading this afternoon on my shady front porch.
I am so lucky! Thank you for putting a journal in with my LMPBC- I was a total slacker Aletheia and I love Unicorns. Thank you Laura for so much thoughtfulness- I love my edgy and veggie spoon so much! And am so excited about the extra books you sent ❤️❤️❤️❤️I loved our group so much!
I love Jane Yolen and have had the pleasure of meeting her several years ago. I have not read all of her books but always love to discover a new book penned by her. I love this retelling in verse and it‘s so dramatic and beautifully done. Featuring Zeus the handsome #dogsoflitsy
Intrigued by the story, and I now want to read more about Baba Yaga. Just didn't enjoy reading in verse, haven't read that style before so it was fun to try it out.
Quick read i borrowed from work. It's a short, verse novel and i love me some novels in verse!
Baba Yaga and I go waaay back!
With themes of female friendship, the parent/child relationship, and the power and policing of the spoken word, this offers wit, sadness, poignancy and hope. I thought that choosing to combine the stories of traditional folktale witch/scary godmother and contemporary teenage runaway in poetry, particularly, gave each the space and opportunity to encounter each other and co-exist, enriching one another in the process.
My reading wrap-up for February.
I had the most magnificent birthday bookhaul, to which the #jbuk Littens made a generous contribution! And then later in the month the Booker Prize shortlisted books that I'd reserved from the library way back in October came through at last. My shelf runneth over.
This was one of my first fantasy books in verse. I really liked it! I still find reading in verse a bit weird - I read quite fast, and I the poetry touches me, and I understand some of the layers in it. But somehow I got the notion (school probably), that you have to analyze everything to get the full meaning. I think that might actually be the wrong way, what do you think about it?
what's your favourite fantasy or sci-fi poetry?
3.5⭐️ Baba Yaga is the russian witch that lives in a house with chicken feet, that moves at her will. But this isn‘t any retelling, in fact, I don‘t think of it as a retelling, more as a companion story. For all intents and purposes this is a fairy tale, even when the book itself is telling you this is not a fairytale. Overall, I liked this book, but am not sure I understand it all.
Full review on GR & LT
“She sings all daylong, like a demented cuckoo, like a Disney Princess on crack. “
Such a perfectly painted picture.
Hummmm. But is is disposed to be a fairy tale. This would look good on my wall I think.
I was not expecting this books to be in verse but I am enjoying it. This is bout leaving home.
I can‘t stand foul language. Every once in a while it‘s fine but constant makes me think the person is u read or uneducated even if they are not.
I‘m doing pretty much anything I can to not start this book. Not a poetry reader... but Jane Yolen!
So, I‘m unreasonably nervous to start this book. As a fantasy reader at an early age Jane Yolen‘s Pit Dragon series was one of my favorites. I‘m not really a poetry reader and I‘m really worried that this book is going to be too deep out of my wheelhouse to love.
Beautiful, I'll probably read this again soon. It's short enough to read in half an hour but better if you take your time with the words or even read it out loud.
Thank you so much, @eyelit!!! I'm really looking forward to reading this. Such a thoughtful #kindlitsy gift. Happy holidays! @kindlitsy
Book 5 of #24B4Monday finished.
Baba Yaga is a witch in Russian fairy tales who lives in a house that walk on chicken feet, rewards little girls who work for her (but eats little boys), and flies around in the skies inside a human sized mortar.
If you like weird shit or you like tor.com novellas this is for you. Written in verse - it‘s a short quick read.
Starting book 5 of #24B4Monday with 11 hours in.
I am starting this one today. It sounds interesting and I‘m fascinated by Baba Yaga.