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Women of Resistance
Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism | Iris Mahan, Danielle Barnhart
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Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism | Iris Mahan, Danielle Barnhart
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A collection of poems to both soothe & fire up your feminist heart.

Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism | Iris Mahan, Danielle Barnhart
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What a powerful collection of diverse poetry! Especially the last part of the collection had a big impact on me, and I have discovered a lot of new poets I want to read more from 👌

BarbaraBB Thank you so much dear Katja for the Christmas card and your sweet words. They mean a lot!! 😘 6y
Kalalalatja @BarbaraBB that reached you quickly! I never know what to expect when sending letters internationally 😅 6y
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Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism | Iris Mahan, Danielle Barnhart
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@callielafleur this package of poetry goodies is amazing! 🙌 I haven‘t heard of any of these before, but they all sound perfect. I‘m super excited for all of them, and I can‘t to dip in and out of them. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 💕

And a big thank you to @LazyDays for organizing this swap, I have enjoyed participating a lot 👏 #FavoritePoetSwap

Cathythoughts Gorgeous 💕💕 6y
LeahBergen The one in the middle looks especially good! 6y
Cinfhen I‘m curious about the Rap one!!! What a great package 💕💕💕 6y
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erzascarletbookgasm They all look so good! 😍 And the tagged book is perfect for you! 💗 6y
Kalalalatja @Cathythoughts @LeahBergen @Cinfhen @erzascarletbookgasm they really sound amazing all of them! I feel like @callielafleur knew what I needed without me knowing it myself 😄👌 6y
batsy What lovely gifts! 💕 6y
Libby1 Wow! Great taste, @callielafleur . You lucky woman, @Kalalalatja 😊. 6y
callielafleur I had such a good time shopping for you! 😁 6y
TrishB Looks fab - can‘t wait to get home and open mine! 6y
Kalalalatja @callielafleur you did so well, I‘m super impressed and excited 😄👏 @batsy @Libby1 I do feel really lucky! 👍 @TrishB it is exciting! 6y
LazyDays How awesome every thing looks amazing! I am curious about the map book. 6y
LazyDays Thanks for joining you all made it great deal of fun!💗💗 6y
hlgreenfield Oh yay more people sharing Szymborska poems. One of my favourites 😍 6y
merelybookish Those books look excellent! Love the cover of Maps. 6y
Kalalalatja @LazyDays me too! I had never heard of the other before, but the description sounds really good! @hlgreenfield oh, good to know! 🙌 @merelybookish it is a great cover 👌 6y
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Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism | Iris Mahan, Danielle Barnhart
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This is an ARC I received for an honest review from NetGalley.

I‘ll be honest, mixed poetry books usually mean mixed reviews for me, some you love, some not so much. This one was definitely a diverse collection, and some might need trigger warnings (even more so after this last week), but this is where we are, for better and often worse this is the reality of women from diverse backgrounds and the struggles that are shaping us.

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Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism | Iris Mahan, Danielle Barnhart
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Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism | Iris Mahan, Danielle Barnhart
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And now for something completely different for my next #24in48 read: poetry!

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Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism | Iris Mahan, Danielle Barnhart
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