"The great loves they had all dreamed about as young women, reduced to the dubious compliments of horrors averted."
"The great loves they had all dreamed about as young women, reduced to the dubious compliments of horrors averted."
The best parts of this book are when Frida is just done with people.
They're the type of boys that writers like Allen Ginsberg fell in love with and bleed out poetry for.
When Chanel merges Brock Turner's words with Trump's...dang. powerful.
Page 88 Elliot Rodger shows up in Chanel's story.
(I'm using Litsy to keep notes for a lengthy review. No spoilers thou.)
Page 79 begins a beautifully written evolution on Chanel's thinking about street harassment & being raised to be polite.
I believe he is not absolved of the title (rapist) simply because he ran out of time.
My first book for Dewey's 24hr readathon.
"My cousin Valeria...has three kids now, and they all look like eaglets."
"Of all the awful things demons do, keeping Latin alive when it deserves to be a dead language might be the worst." LOL!
The prologue is a gut punch & quick history of abortion rights & reproductive health in the USA. The first chapter sets the stage for a post Roe America. Glad my buds were here too get me thru.
WOW. Lozada-Olivia pulls at your heart like she plucks hairs. Quick. Painful. Beautifully.
I'm listening to the audio book & this passage was so sweet to hear this morning. Slight spoiler...
This story is worth the price of the book alone. It is so powerful & moving. Like a ghost story & old family tale.
This was a brilliant way to start the new year.
Olivarez paints a beautifully achy vision of being Mexican & American, especially in the Chicago area. He grew up in a different space & era than I did but it all felt so real. Many times his words broke my heart & filled me with love.
Mexican Heaven
all the Mexican women refuse to cook or clean or raise the kids or pay bills or make the bed or drive your bum ass to work or do anything except watch their novelas, so heaven is gross. the rats are fat as roosters & the men die of starvation.
A collection of poems to both soothe & fire up your feminist heart.
If you are ever curious as to why women as mad, read this. If you're ever tired of being mad all the time, read this.
Read. This.