Still delightful. Still going.
A very silly and very entertaining read, with a few moments of real poignancy (then self-consciously undercut). Braga is now officially part of the gang, which makes me very happy! I love them all. This feels like Rat Queens back to their roots. I like the new artist but still not as much as the original one unfortunately. I liked how this felt episodic but also had a longer ongoing arc that is as yet unsolved. #Comics #QueerBooks
I deeply identify with Dee:
"I'll take that bet! Hannah's knowledge of necromancy is roughly worse than my ability to mingle at parties."
"We could travel. See other lands. Read other books..." "Meet new people" "Ehhhhh"
An inability to mingle, always reading a book, and a distaste for meeting new people!
#RatQueens #Readathon @DeweysReadathon
Free Comic Book Day always has the best sales. I bought more than I intended, but I found some much needed sequels and some new finds. I also got some great deals.
#freecomicbookday #fcbd #fcbd2019
The hubs and I both have to work in the morning, so my NYE is being spent curled up at home with my love, the pups, & some fun reading. Stay safe and happy new year, everyone!
Well, in fact, I do know the answer to this as I already read the 5th 🤣🤣
This was decidedly another great romp with the Queens, less sex as was pointed out (😥), but a decent handful of swearing and the high comedy of what it's like in a real D&D campaign...including ridiculous bards!!
Makes me miss D&D!
From adventuring or horror movies...
Kill 'em while they're pontificating!!!
I liked the story but I wasn't a huge fan of the change in art style. It's still one of my favorite series though!
Absolutely adorable! Need to procure the fifth and sixth ones!
😂🙈 I‘ve missed the Rat Queens!
This one doesn‘t really need a caption 🤗
#Loki and I are on to the second book of the day. #CatsOfLitsy #LazySunday
Yep, this volume is different. I'm still trying to sort out how I feel about it. But I do so love the Rat Queens! I'll adjust.
Some of the art is really lovely...
It has been a while since I read the first three Volumes, and I don't really know if the rat queen's have gotten through a soft reboot. My memory tells me there was an unfinished storyline in the third book, but I might be mistaken...
This was confusing, and it took some time getting used to. I think it's a good start if they will release more, but so far, there is no real storyline here
Another bloody adventure with my favorite group of dysfunctional mercenaries! I thought it lacked a little of the great writing of the first 3 volumes, but it was still a good read. Betty is still hilarious, and Braga was a great addition to the team. I also learned that you put a skull on the doorknob for a reason. I hope that there are more volumes in the future!
Oh my gosh that middle panel killed me. I love this series.
🐀 🐀 🐀🐀 I love the rat queens so much but this wasn't the best offering I've seen. It was a bit disappointing. The series has suffered after all of the drama with the original artist who was taken off the project because of domestic violence. There hasn't been much consistency with the art and this one has suffered the most, in my opinion. I love these ladies though so I'm going to still stick with them but I hope it improves in the future.
The RatQueens are a perfect example of #RiotGirls and #Badassery 🖤💜🖤 #speechbubblechallenge #letsgetgraphicweeklongmarathon
I‘m not sure I liked this volume as much as the original run, but Rat queens = #riotgirls 😁 #speechbubblechallenge #lesgetgraphicweeklongmarathon
There are some problems with this collection. They introduce a lot of new characters which can make things feel rushed and jumbled. At times the balance between being serious and being fun is a little off to me. but on the whole this was very enjoyable and looked like it was going on an interesting direction. Hopefully this soft reboot finds its feet in later issues.
Borrowed this from a friend today! Good way to end the weekend. One and a half more weeks of school! The end is in sight.
Another fun Rat Queens book. Nothing Earth shattering. I was kinda bummed about the style change. I didn't hate the art but I didn't love it...I know artists move around so one should expect these kinds of changes but I always find it jarring when the look of a world and its characters suddenly shifts.
I have a lot of feelings about the newest volume of Rat Queens.
This one took me longer to get into than most Rat Queens stories, but once they started their quest up the mountain, I really enjoyed the story.
A random day off means catching up on my favorite comics in bed #mightycaptainmarvel #ratqueens
Still not as great as the original, but fingers crossed it will get there with time.
Omg guuuuuuuys, look what I got today 😄😄😄😄
I had other things in my #bookhaul but they may be for my #litsypenpals so I can't post them!!
I'm so excited to read this but then I'll have to wait again...uuuuugh.