Before You Came
Authors: Patricia MacLachlan & Emily MacLachlan Charest
Illustrator: David Diaz
Genre: RF
Award: 2011 Publishers Weekly
Teaching Strategies: IR, RA, S, PR, GR
A woman tells her newborn the things she used to do before motherhood. Now all those things are for her child and not just her anymore. She didn‘t have everything because she didn‘t have her child.
paulettevp This book can be used for IR because it‘s short, simple, and full of vocabulary words. 7y
paulettevp UDL 3.2: Through a small group session the teacher could go over the patterns and critical features while allowing the students to discuss which big ideals they saw and what relationships were made in the story. 7y
paulettevp ESOL 9: The students can take notes as they read the story in order to complete a RCRR (Read, Cover, Remember, & Retell) which will also allow them to practice their comprehension. 7y
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paulettevp #UCFLAE3414SP18 7y
paulettevp Grade Levels: K-3 7y
DrSpalding You have included the essential information. This sounds like a great book. You are correct that quality children‘s literature can be used in many ways. 7y
paulettevp @DrSpalding Thank you. I found this book and instantly had to check it out because I think some of the best books have many uses and if they can teach students about life even better. 7y
paulettevp No online resources available. No RA, lesson plans, or activities. 7y
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