Loving this book and learning so much already
#PopsugarReadingChallenge #GreggAllman #MyCrossToBear #ABookWrittenByAMusician #FirstBook
Loving this book and learning so much already
#PopsugarReadingChallenge #GreggAllman #MyCrossToBear #ABookWrittenByAMusician #FirstBook
Just finished the snowman and I had a hard time getting through it I wanted to like it because I heard such great things about it but I felt the story was too bogged down with to many red herrings and was all over the place , so now I need a lighter read so on to some crazy rock n roll stories from Gregg allman
• HAVEN'T LAUGHED THIS HARD WHILE READING IN A GOOD LONG WHILE 😂🤣 why are you not reading this book?! •
#booklove #currentlyreading #highlyrecommend #music #musicians #memoir #autobiography #humor #funnystuff #pickupthisbook
• who would have thought I'd be excited to read this one?! my dad is the ABB fan, not me. but I've read chapter 1 and it's just great storytelling with raw, unfiltered emotion seeping through the pages. if the first chapter is any indication of what's to come, you don't even have to know anything about the band to enjoy this book. eager to read some more very soon. listening to the audiobook performance by Will Patton and that really makes it •
a #TBR that i plan to get to soon. i've loved the Allman Bros music since forever so this was a sad week.
#SignedSunday #SignedSundays
Kind of like a chat with your eccentric uncle at the family reunion - he's lived a heckuva life with stories to tell - but they're peppered with occasional outbursts of borderline and unnecessary sexism and misogyny which didn't really serve any purpose, so you kind of smile and nod a lot...
Back to Rock and roll biographies for my next audiobook... Complete with southern accent