This book was a little too weird for me.
OH DANG! In Munmun, the size of your body scales literally to how much money you have. The poorest are the size of rats, billionaires are like giants
It‘s a satire about money and class in the Jonathan Swift and Dickens tradition except if they used the word “peen” as an insult. Body scaling is a brilliant illustration for what he‘s taking on here-sometimes being poor is a physical disadvantage. It‘s hilarious and way too real. I loved it.
❎ Strike 1. Valid points about income inequality, but I could not stomach the hammering execution.
❎ Strike 2. The. Whole. Book. was full of intentional misspellings. It detracted from the story and made it veryhardtoread.
❎ Strike 3. The MC is a misgynistic twit. I spent the entire book hoping his ass would get stepped on so it would be over. #teamsquish
This is such a weird book! At first, I was worried that I'd want to bail on it (which was scary because it's the September book club pick for the adults who read YA book club that I run at the bookstore) but once I got use to the world and slang, I got sucked in. It also made me realize that I don't read lot of YA written by dudes. I'm over halfway done and can't wait to discuss this!
The rich are giants and the poor are rat sized and I've never found myself wishing a main character would get stepped on before. I am not a good person. #teamsquish #splatthebrat
Well what to say about his book? It‘s an original, if you put to one side the language used in books like A Clockwork Orange and Ridley Walker, I suppose. I‘ve read those books, and I found this one really quite challenging. It was more the stream of consciousness writing, I think. There was so much that didn‘t need to be said. Interesting story and premis, but I‘m glad I didn‘t buy it (NetGalley). It just felt too slow.
This is the type of book that you'll either love or hate. For me, the premise sounded super interesting and promising, but the way the story was carried out and the author's preference in using poor grammar made me unimpressed with this book.
My current reads (tagged book on Kindle...not entirely sure what I think of it yet. It's a bit too bizarre...)
Also just remembered it was my 1 year Litsyversary yesterday! Can't believe I've been chatting with you lovely people for a year now. Here's to many more. #cheers #litsyversary
The premise intrigued me, but the execution forced me to stop reading for my own sanity. I got maybe a quarter of the way through and the spelling and grammar and all that just made it too hard to continue. Someone tell me how it ends!
I can‘t recommend this enough. In this universe, poor people are the size of rats and rich people are the size of skyscrapers with everyone else falling somewhere in between. Excellent and exciting dystopian and a great launching pad to talk about economics in a meaningful way. Also, the main character is a boy. FINALLY SOMETHING I CAN SELL FOR BOYS!!!!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!
Such an interesting premise, I was dying to see how it played out, and it played out brilliantly. Very moving and powerful satire with a fascinating main character. Loved it!
I tried my hardest to get an early copy of this to review but alas no luck, BUT thanks to my devilish B&N, they had it on the shelves too early and I picked up a copy today 😹 It wins a prize for strangest title, coolest design on the cover (under dust jacket), and most wonderful beginning quote (I wish I‘d heard it as a child). Looking forward to reading it 👍🏼
I do t really care for this cover, but the story intrigues me.
April 3
#coverlove #YAedition
Well...I'm pretty sure that was the weirdest and most uncomfortable first 30 pages of a book I've ever read.
I've currently got a resting "wtf" face while I move on from this.
I gotta get back to working on my stack of arcs!