#AcrossApril #spinepoem2
Desolation angels, moving through here
drowning with others,
on the beach
#AcrossApril #spinepoem2
Desolation angels, moving through here
drowning with others,
on the beach
#MarchMadness The #SadEnding I‘m referring to is about Jack himself rather than the books.Was it Catholic guilt,alcoholism, writers block ? He died in 1969 .While Burroughs & Ginsberg rolled with times & remained creative, Jack denied that the Beats lead to the Hippies , struggled with creativity & Falstaff beer.There is a Firing Line on youtube with Ed Sanders ,Jack , & William F.Buckley .It‘s weird, sad but Jack has a moment of something.👇
Someone I knew at uni had a band called Desolation Angels. I've never read the book in case the book's as shit as the band.
#angelic #SeasonsReadings2017 @RealLifeReading
Desolation Angels has an odd place in Kerouac's real life timeline. It's his last big hurrah before his descent into full fledged alcoholism, straddling the line between starry-eyed free spirit Jack, and cynical, broken Jack. This lends it a melancholic quality that replaces the frenzied energy of his earlier work. In a way, its a farewell. A farewell that sees Jack at his most "beat", in every sense of the word. 8/10 stars.
Mail days are the best days ~ 💕