Here are my #ReadYourKindle books for February 🖤
Here are my #ReadYourKindle books for February 🖤
#DaysDevotedTo #Authors
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Tess Gerritsen, Amber Tamblyn, and Kathy Reichs. Clockwise from top left.
I am at a loss for words. This book was not what k expected, but quite possibly one of the most important books I have ever read. I don‘t know how Amber Tamblyn accomplished what she did in this book, but it‘s something that is going to stay with me forever. I feel like it would be hard to say much without diving too deep, so I think it‘s best to just say that not only is the writing excellent, but the message is powerful and needs to be heard.
As you get older, you spend more time reflecting on those times that have shaped you. Those distinct moments in time to which, for good or for bad, your mind continually returns. This novel resonates with me due one such moment. Line by line the author proves how incredibly talented she is.
I was thinking of Any Man by Amber Tamblyn or Tiffany Sly Lives Here Now by Dana L Davis for my pick but I have a few others that look good. Which one do you guys think? I have other options if we don‘t like any of these!! #lmpbc
With a satirical bent & a similar attitude and role reversal as Naomi Alderman‘s The Power, Amber Tamblyn‘s poetic debut novel proved is a cutting commentary on society‘s present approach to victims of sexual assault— it reads like a biting critique on our victim-blaming culture. The play with format lent itself well to the story as it zooms in & out. It was a smart, creative leap for Tamblyn. Her voice is one that will leave quite the impact.
New full review on the blog: https://freereadandwrite.wordpress.com/2019/02/03/the-personal-beyond-metoo-any-...
A gender-reversed look at sexual assault, which allows the reader to hear the intense weight of the experiences. Excellent take on how the media has contributed to us downplaying these issues for women over so much time. Read my full review on how this audiobook goes beyond #MeToo to the personal: https://freereadandwrite.wordpress.com/2019/02/03/the-personal-beyond-metoo-any-... (trigger warning: this book is brutal)
My book haul from my first trip to Dotters Books and you can bet I will be back!! #shoplocal
What I thought was going to be a dramatic thriller featuring a female serial killer turned out to be a story about the victims and how their assault affected the rest of their lives.
It shines a light on men getting assaulted; something you never hear about. It was very disturbing.
The perfect amount of horror, sadness, and fact. Not just another celebrity novel like I thought! 5/5.
#bookreview What a mind fuck! Heavy trigger warning for rape and forced bestiality. This book is not my personal cup of tea.
It is a very important book though. It holds up a mirror to society and shows us all how shitty we are to survivors of assault and rape.
If your feminism isn't intersectional, reevaluate your priorities.
You will not like this book. You are not supposed to. Please don't read this unless you feel emotionally safe to do so.
The writing in this book was so good. It‘s the first book that uses poetry and prose that I was able to get through. It‘s a tough read because of the violence but it is a powerful one. I think I‘m just going to sit for a while and think about what I just read.
Angry, provocative, creepy - Amber Tamblyn‘s debut novel combines poetry, social media, prose and more to tell a bleak, staggering story about society‘s collective shrug towards sexual assault, focusing entirely on male victims. There is a distance here, but I still found it quite powerful overall, like a more formally audacious but less character-driven (and therefore less interesting, to me) Rene Denfeld.
Got to see Amber Tamblyn and Leni Zumas today at the Brooklyn Book Festival. They were discussing dystopias of the patriarchy, super interesting.
Also scored 5 books for $10🙌🏽🙊 #BKBF
9-3-18: 37th finished book of 2018! And it was a rough one!! Quick but searing and perfect for the times we live in. 👍🏼📖#️⃣3️⃣7️⃣
Super interesting how this novel flips the script and by doing so reveals all the absurdity and horror that victims/survivors of sexual assault face. It‘s not as clear cut as it might seem. I enjoyed how it was written in multiple styles, not just straight prose. I admire Amber Tamblyn as a person and an actor, in addition to her activism and writing, so this one gets all the stars from me. Should mention though, it‘s not for the faint of heart.
I am a bit confused on why this is rated so low on Litsy. I think it is a great novel and important. It is a difficult topic as it discusses the sexual abuse of men by a serial female rapist. So many emotions. The audiobook was well done and the sections that included social media was really eye opening and reminds me of why I dislike social media...except for Litsy.
I just finished the audio in prep for today's event at @FountainBookstore this afternoon. It's brutal, blunt, raw and very timely. The audio was amazing, but I feel the need to physically read this too. The beginning is tough, but I think it's worth the journey. This book is not trying to be subtle at all, but by flipping genders Tamblyn brings to crystal clear focus the way our society handles (mostly mishandles) victims of sexual assault.
3☆ | Lots of language | pub. June 26, 2018
A violent serial rapist on the loose, she goes by Maude. She hunts for men at bars, online and at home. In her wake, the men meet at a support group. Explores the destructive ways in which our society perpetuates rape cultgure.
Rape is the most under-reported crime; on average, 321,500 victims of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States. 1 out of 10 rape victims are male. -RAINN.ORG
I‘m finding it difficult to put this one into words.... this book was really distressing. I‘ve never read anything like it and I‘m not sure I would want to again. It gave me chills, tears and feelings of nausea. BUT this is not a book meant for enjoyment- it‘s meant to send a strong message about sexual assault, victim shaming and the callousness of the media- and therefore made me feel exactly how it should have.
I was the first one waiting for the doors to be unlocked at this library this morning to pick up my hold on this one!!! Woohoo!!
Also, after yesterday‘s pool debacle, I discovered that if I go to one of the other pools in my neighborhood community I can read in peace and quiet. Probably bc this one is like being at the Motel 6 pool vs the Ritz Carlton 🤷♀️ Whatevs- not a soul in sight and I‘m happy as a clam! 😂
Oh man. This is a hot mess. Actress Amber Tamblyn (yes, the Sisterhood Traveling Pants girl) is trying to get all literary with this gender bending #metoo novel of a female serial rapist who assaults only men. Then there is society's take on the perceptions of rape in our culture by using female misogyny to make a point. Sorry, Tamblyn is no Margaret Atwood and bless her heart she tries but this is a complete fail.
Do I look excited enough? #Starstruck 🤩
Not only did I pretty much channel the character (Tibby) Amber Tamblyn plays in Sisterhood growing up, I totally love the woman she is now! Her discussion with reporter Jodi Kantor, focusing on #MeToo — was so good & necessary.
Flipping through a few pages now: a female rapist goes unchecked and the public response to the male victims is much similar to current responses given to females. Yikes.
Out today!!
This one hits hard. Showing that sexual assult knows no gender. It can happen to anyone. Tamblyn does an excellent job here. I think this is an important book for our current society. A must-read! I finished it last month and I'm still thinking about it.
Thank you so much @HarperPerennial for sending me this ARC. This was one of my anticipated reads of 2018 and it didn't disappoint!
#bookreview #minibookreview
Listened to one of my fav podcasts Read or Dead today and they mentioned these 2 books on their newest episode- Any Man features a female serial rapist (out now) and My Sister the Serial Killer features, well a female serial killer (out on Nov). Talk about some serious gender role reversals! Looking forward to getting my hands on these two!!!
Amber Tamblyn's novel was completely different than anything I have read recently. When I read the first 50 pages of the book, I was hooked. This book is so relevant in our current time where we blame victims of sexual assaults and gives us to insight to what a survivor is going through. The book is difficult read due to subject matter but it written well with different styles to convey its message. #BookExpo
Met the author Amber Tamblyn...no big deal...only IM TOTALLY FANGIRLING bc I‘ve been a fan since Joan of Arcadia back in 2003 (and she looked impressed that I knew what that show was, so she may remember me, for a minute, maybe) so excited to read the book! I‘m guessing this is the book I will read on the way home on Sunday on the train! I‘m not risking losing this book, although I trust USPS Priority Mail!
My current read and I am loving it! Thank you @HarperPerennial for sending it to me. Out June 26th!
In her blazingly original and unforgettable debut novel "Any Man", Amber Tamblyn brings to startling life a specter of sexual violence in the shadowy form of Maude, a serial female rapist who preys on men.
#arc #reads #currentlyreading #booklover #booksandcoffee
Excited for this one!! Thank you @HarperPerennial ! Out June 26th.
As bold as it is timely, Any Man paints a searing portrait of survival and is a tribute to those who have lived through the nightmare of sexual assault.
#arc #anyman #bookish #alwaysreading