In what has been a stellar series so far, we have reached a low point. That‘s not saying this book is bad but it does dip a bit in the quality. Still, as a whole, this series has been so enjoyable and I‘m off to the next one!
In what has been a stellar series so far, we have reached a low point. That‘s not saying this book is bad but it does dip a bit in the quality. Still, as a whole, this series has been so enjoyable and I‘m off to the next one!
"You struggle with questions of purpose and #need, and forget that the answers are mostly inside yourselves." He paused anew. "Cats are not included in that analysis. Cats don't waste time wondering about such things. Cats just get on with the business of living.” #QuotsyMay18 #QuotsyCatchup
"She had done what he had warned her against and trapped herself, and now she could not get free. It was the fairies‘ plan for her, she saw—that she should #dance and keep dancing and never leave. Here is where her child would be born, here in the fairy mists, and when it was born it would belong to them. They would both belong to the fairies for all time." #QuotsyDec17
"That is the puzzle of me. I am loathed by those I would come to know." #Puzzle #QuotsyNov17