A #Reptile on the cover of this semi-true tale of a road trip with an alligator that I read for review about 10 years ago. (Yikes!)
The cover on the left is the original & the right, a newer version.🐊
A #Reptile on the cover of this semi-true tale of a road trip with an alligator that I read for review about 10 years ago. (Yikes!)
The cover on the left is the original & the right, a newer version.🐊
It‘s been a while since I read this book about a couple driving a “pet”alligator from West Virginia “home” to Florida, but it made for a unique #RoadTrip 🐊🚙
This is supposed to be a true story of a road trip. It's also marketed (at least where I live) as a prequel to Rocket Boys/ October Sky. It didn't take long for me to realize, however, that neither of the above is true.
First, it has nothing to do with Rocket Boys apart from the fact that the two main characters happen to be the author's parents. Second, the author did not only record the tall tales his parents had told him, but most probably...⬇️
My MIL has just given me two books that she got but isn't interested in. Yay 😎
Did better yesterday on the #JoysofJune Readathon. Read 287 and finished one book.
Overall totals
2001 / 3000 pages read
5/7 Books Finished
0/2 #NordicNoir books read
Really need to get onto those #nordicnoir books! 😳
Time for something a bit different today as I start this audiobook about driving an alligator from Virginia to Florida. Reading this as part of the #JoysofJune Readathon.
So far finished 4 books and read 1410 pages.
Tonight I got to tell Homer Hickam just how much his book Carrying Albert Home meant to me and he gave me a hug! 😍
This remains one of the most beautiful and enchanting books I have ever read and it has stayed with me and I feel it will be with me for a long time.
If you have not had a chance to go on this journey with Albert the alligator I implore you to pick up a copy at once! You won't be disappointed!
#recommend #authormeet
This book was my genre busting title for #Booked2019. Part novel, part memoir, it was a fun read with various celebrities making appearances and the adventure of returning a young alligator to Florida. ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5.
My next read. This is my “genre busting” pick for #Booked2019.
I hate to pan a book based on real people, but... I abhorred Elsie (the author‘s mom) and I never understood why she married Homer or why they stayed together. The story was a quick, easy read, but I would have bailed if not for bookclub. The “adventures” of the couple are farcical tall-tales that just made me roll my eyes. Although, admittedly, the Florida scenes made me homesick for Orlando & the Keys.
Proposed #MarchTBR. I broke it out into three sections - book club books that must get read, ARCs that release this month that *should* be read, and everything else. Hopefully, this will keep me from missing book club deadlines, but also gives me enough flexibility to read what I want without undo pressure. 😊
From my tbr list.
#Carrymehome #TimbitTunes
@Cinfhen @TheKidUpstairs
#TimbitTunes #CarryMeHome Everything about this book, from it‘s title to the cover and the blurb just tickles my heart ❤️ Haven‘t read it yet, but was wondering if it would work for #genrebusting since it‘s a memoir fiction mashup?!??
#Roadtrip books from my Goodreads lists...4 read and 2 tbr. #sizzlinsummerbooks
#90sinJuly #Drive I immediately thought of road trips & this sweet & fun book about a road trip the author's parents made with a pet alligator & a rooster along for the ride. I challenge you not to fall for Albert with his grins & yeah-yeah-yeah sounds & this madcap, "somewhat true" story of a 1,000 mile road trip in 1935. I'd drive with Albert & the rooster any time. ?????I borrowed a few photos from Mr. Hickam's website & my blog review.?
In case anyone is interested, the husband and I are road tripping across the US and Canada as we move from Alaska to Alabama. We're mostly hitting National Parks. Our trip photos will be on Instagram with the hashtag #AK2AL. This photo was his read on the Marine Highway ferry to Juneau! 🚙⛴🗺🇨🇦🇺🇸
More from my TBR. One looks funny and the other is something I care about.
#Marchmadness #traveling
I don't know what it was about this book, but I loved it. Elsie's former beau sends her a baby alligator as a wedding gift, which she raises as a pet until her husband's "it's me or him" ultimatum (her response, "I'll think it over"). All sorts of hijinks occur on the road trip to return Albert the alligator in this "somewhat true" tale.
This book reminded me of the movie "Big Fish" -- was it real or not? Funny story about an alligator and a marriage, I got attached to that alligator Albert! 4 out of 5.
Still more catch up for #photoadaynov16 - this book has it all #planestrainsandautomobiles! #day2
The title and gorgeous cover caught my eye at the bookstore today. The synopsis sounds crazy in an interesting way. Anyone read it?