Took me a minute to get into it, but once I did, I couldn't put it down!
Took me a minute to get into it, but once I did, I couldn't put it down!
I had a little issue with how it was paced the second part. But I liked how I was kept guessing.
This book is about a woman who claims to be the daughter of a suspected serial killer. She takes him on a tour of sorts because she suspects that he murdered her sister many years prior and wants answers. The man has dementia and it becomes a question of whether he is clueless, playing with her or truly didn‘t murder anyone. It was an interesting book and concept, but super unrealistic in my opinion which killed it for me in the end.
I really enjoyed this strange thriller! Grace is taking her grandfather, Carl, out of his nursing home for a road trip. Only Carl has dementia, and Grace isn't his granddaughter- in fact, she believes that Carl is a serial killer and the one responsible for taking her sister. I very much dug the weird push and pull relationship between Grace and Carl.
This one doesn‘t take more than a few pages to start. We are immediately drawn to the mystery and to the “quest”. One of the more original mystery novels I‘ve read in a long while.
4.5 ⭐️. Setting 5 ⭐️! Climb in for this suspenseful ride across the vividly described nation of Texas! Obsessed with her sister‘s disappearance, Grace takes a photographer & suspected serial killer with dementia on a “Sisterquest” to find answers about murdered girls. The confusing mental games of dementia & art of photography are characters, too. Must suspend disbelief that young Grace & her FBI friend have unusual skills, but worth it! #sisters
Totally caught up in the suspense! What is Carl plotting? Have to make a few leaps of faith-like an FBI agent getting a masters degree in English in his free time? But if you can roll with it there‘s a great story.
Who doesn‘t like a cat and mouse game with a serial killer during a road trip? Enjoying the suspense, and particularly like the flashback scenes between the protagonist & her missing sister... #thriller #suspenseful #christmasbreakread
Oh my goodness Gisela! So much amazing stuff I don‘t even know where to begin! The books are of course fantastic! I have been dying for a Halloween blanket and this one is perfect. I laughed out loud when I opened your candle-great minds! The coffee, amazing mug, book jigs, socks, necklace, lotion! So much amazing in one package! Of course I can‘t dare forget the art print that will hang in my library right with my other one! #nightmareswap
The black and white cover is when you open the nook book. But The other is thumbnail version. I dont think the black and white cover does the book justice. Any- hoo I love Julia‘s book!
Thanks again, @derr.liz for this book from last year‘s Hocus Pocus Swap! It‘s the first book I finished in October- and since I started it in September, it‘s also the last book for the summer quarter of #Booked2019 (book gifted to me!). #Haunted by the death of her sister, this is a riveting quest for the truth! I couldn‘t put it down!! #ChillingPhotoChallenge 2pts. #ScaryScavengerHunt (death of a character) #TeamStoker
One of the best books I've read so far this year. Paper Ghosts kept me riveted and on the edge of my seat. I couldn‘t wait to finish it but at the sane time, didn't want it to end! A definite five ⭐️ read.
I love love love this book. I so enjoyed reading it. The storyline was fantastic and so different to anything I've seen before. The characters were well thought out and edgy and I found myself empathising with Carl! I loved his character so much and felt like he made the book more enjoyable with all his little quirks. A fantastic read.
Bad people are to be found everywhere, but even among the worst there may be something good
Onto my next book..looking forward to get going on this when I get home from work later.
My 5 🌟rated reads from 2018. Already signed up to a couple of TBR challenges to try and clear my backlog of reads. 210 books read this year including some 600+ page epics like East of Eden.
Thanks to all old & new Litsy friends for their comments & likes. Looking forward to 2019!
This sounds interesting.....another for my TBR list...
Serial killer with dementia sprung from a care facility by a woman who claims she is his daughter. Her sister was killed 15 years ago, and she‘s trained, researched, and sacrificed to find out if he is the killer. Road trip across Texas with ghosts in the back seat, piles of photos, dog, 3 legged cat, obsession, paranoia. Perfect summer reading!
#24in48 @24in48 Wow, I really loved this mystery thriller. A girl loses her sister 15 years before this book is set and spends the next 15 years obsessed with finding the killer. She finds him, with dementia in a half-way house. She poses as his daughter to take him on a road trip through Texas with ghosts, a dog who had been shot, a three legged cat and lessons from her survival training. Fast paced, surprising. Loved it 4⭐️
Whiskey and I started this thriller and I can say 30 pages in we are hooked! Narrator‘s sister went missing 15 or so years prior and narrator has searched for who she thinks was a serial killer responsible- he is in a half-way house for criminals with dementia and she poses as his daughter to take him on a “vacation” to learn the truth- that‘s just the first few pages- so far gripping!
A young woman believes she's found the man who killed her sister, but he claims to have dementia. So she breaks him out of an assisted living facility (posing as his daughter) to take him on a road trip that she hopes will either jog his memory or prove he's faking. Good twists and turns, and a (mostly) satisfying conclusion make this a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 read for me. Will definitely check out her other books.
Super weird to be reading a book and have it mention the hurricane you lived through less than a year ago.
I'm really enjoying this one. It's like a Gillian Flynn novel except I don't hate the main character!
I started reading this one yesterday and I'm already hooked. After several fantasy/horror/sci-fi books in a row, I needed something grounded in the real world and this story of a woman trying to find her sister's killer is just what I was looking for. And check out that cover art!
Full review on my blog and on Goodreads.
This was so interesting and not your typical 'serial-killer thriller'. I enjoyed the uniqueness of the plot, even though it was more of a slow-burn. It cleaned up nicely and I felt closure after the mental game of ping pong. Worth a read, especially if you liked her book Black-Eyed Susan's.
#netgalley #arc #juliaheaberlin #paperghosts
Another current read (one of four because I'm indecisive like that) that I'm enjoying at the moment! And another lunch break outside in the lovely city of Boston. So nice to finally enjoy lunches out of the office!
Has anyone else read this yet?
#netgalley #arc #paperghosts #juliaheaberlin
My review is live on Roots & Reads this morning!
Has anyone else read this? I‘m only on chapter 8 but it‘s freakin amazing!
We are so lucky to have such great author events in Dallas almost every night of the week! Interabang Book Store is the jewel of our city.
PAPER GHOSTS is very well written, a bit evasive, and chilling. Ms. Heaberlin weaves an absorbing tale with intriguing characters. Her detailed writing is marvelous.
If you think you would enjoy a stressful, not sure why the main character is doing what she is doing “ride,” you won‘t be disappointed in the twists and turns and situations that come up.
This was quite the read. It's an interesting premise and executed well. Lots of drama happening and many twists until you finally reach the end. It was interesting but the big reveal felt a little rushed. That being said the story was good and I enjoyed it. The dementia added a deeper level to the story.
I knew I would either hate this one or love it, and I loved it. The author keeps you guessing just how much Carl remembers and what he has planned. It meanders a little in places but always pulls things round. Barfly is adorable too. Rating: 4.5 🌟
Thanks to Netgalley and publishers, Penguin UK - Michael Joseph, for the opportunity to review an ARC.
Solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️ thriller.
Enjoyable, twisty, but nothing I haven‘t read before.
"An elderly man with dementia, once acquitted of a terrible murder and suspected in many others, is removed from his assisted-living facility by a woman he does not recognize--a woman who claims to be his long-lost daughter.”
Finally starting a new book. As they say in Monty Python, "and now for something completely different!"
An elderly man with dementia, acquitted of a terrible murder and suspected in many others, is removed from assisted-living by a woman he doesnt recognize—a woman who claims to be his daughter.
She takes him on a road trip across Texas for answers to her own burning questions. Following the paths of vanished women, she attempts to discover the truth. Does he really have dementia? Is he a murderer? What secrets lurk in the dark corners of his mind?