The Monkeys Paw
Connotation: sharp and unnecessary perils meaning that the situation is very bad.
The Monkeys Paw
Connotation: sharp and unnecessary perils meaning that the situation is very bad.
One of my least favorite stories. I can understand why they do what they do. So horrible.
#Scarathlon #TeamHarkness @StayCurious
16 points
The theme of #becarefulwhatyouwishfor is a universal one, and perhaps you have some examples from your own life that prove this to be true. I'm sure we can all also think of a few other stories we've read or seen that show what a disaster wishing can sometimes be.
I‘m hosting a discussion on “The Monkey‘s Paw” at www.theannakraft.com today!
#themidnightsociety #spookystories #scarystories
I'm continuing to work my way through The Bibliofile's list of all time best short stories. Today's choice is one I remember reading in school & I can't say I loved it now. It felt unfinished, even for a short story. What is there is wonderfully creepy but it feels like it needs more.
Whoever The Bibliofile is they seem to strongly favor horror. As I don't I can't say I'm enjoying some of these but at least I can say that they're well written.
“She then waited as patiently as her sex would permit, for him to broach his business, but he was at first strangely silent.”
Oh, 1902 England... haha
#themonkeyspaw #classicbooks
Me, introducing “The Monkey‘s Paw”: This is one of those classic stories that everyone has heard of.
At least one student in every single period: I‘ve never heard of it.
Me, by 4th period, twitching: Yes, but you‘re hearing about it now. That is what is currently happening. At this very moment, you are transitioning from the group labeled “People who have not heard of ‘The Monkey‘s Paw‘” to the vast legions, the uncountable millions, that have!
I knew the story before, it was the original version of slightly changed "The Corsage" by Lauren Myracle which terrified me when I was 13. I prefer the "Monkey's Paw", although some elements are better and more scary in "The Corsage" (I won't tell which one, spoilers)
Such a classic short story. It's been construction has been the basis for so many novels and novellas. My guess is that this story has had a very influential effect upon Stephen King.
For 20 minutes of reading you can't go wrong.
I've been meaning to reread this for years & I found it for free on Kindle! It's a short story about a family who acquires a monkey's paw that will grant an individual 3 wishes, unfortunately these wishes always go sour! The story is creepy & I appreciate it just as much as when I originally read it.🐵
I‘m hooked on @SerialReader !
I feel like I‘m in high school again, reading things like short stories and classics on a daily basis.
I‘d heard of this story but knew nothing about it. I was surprised to find a taut, creepy little classic horror story. I find monkeys rather creepy, so that added tension.
The photo of the author is from Google Images. The smoke from his cigarette, like the monkey‘s paw, seems to take on a life of its own.
A tad underwhelming but still very creepy and a great short story to pass the time with. The paw gives three wishes, but how you receive those wishes will make you question there worth. 🙈🙉🙊🐒
Another #serialread finished! This one was super short (2 issues - perfection!) but incredibly creepy.
This short story of an item that gives you three wishes with consequences has been used a lot in other stories and TV shows I think. I enjoyed it but I had to reread the last little bit again because it felt like it ended so abruptly. #screamathon #notfollowingmyTBR
• pretty darn good and highly suspenseful. I recommend this one if you're in the mood for a super-quick suspense read! it's over in a snap and you wonder what horror might have awaited the old couple had the man not made the last wish. spooky. •
Just finished this on Serial Reader!! It's a good short read that really brings a horror atmosphere. Gotta admit, my heart was thumping during the last part!!! Check it out sometime 👌
The ending's a little ambiguous isn't it? I swear I've seen this on the Twilight Zone maybe, but a quick, creepy read! Seriously, I dig this @SerialReader app. Guys, it's so awesome!
#classic #shortstory
This short work of classic literary horror packs a powerful punch. The sense of impending doom present for the duration is enough to leave you on the edge of your seat, not wanting to read on but also needing to do so. It gave me chills that I can't shake - in a creepy, I shouldn't have read this at 1:30 am kind of way. #readathon #serialreader #shortstory #scary #allhallowsread
I've been seeing a lot of people posting about the Serial Reader app. I decided I had to try it out and I'm loving it! Getting in a lot of great short stories for the Halloween season!
#serialreader #themonkeyspaw #halloweenbooks
Reading short stories from our ELA curriculum on the Serial Reader app. Thanks for the app recommendation, Litsy friends! It's so simple but I love it, especially for when I'm stuck somewhere without a book.
Love this creepy little story. Read it on the Serial Reader app which is a very cool way to catch up on some classic literature.