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Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase to Catch Lincoln's Killer | James L. Swanson
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The murder of Abraham Lincoln set off the greatest manhunt in American history. From April 14 to April 26, 1865, the assassin, John Wilkes Booth, led Union cavalry and detectives on a wild twelve-day chase through the streets of Washington, D.C., across the swamps of Maryland, and into the forests of Virginia, while the nation, still reeling from the just-ended Civil War, watched in horror and sadness. James L. Swanson's Manhunt is a fascinating tale of murder, intrigue, and betrayal. A gripping hour-by-hour account told through the eyes of the hunted and the hunters, this is history as you've never read it before.
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Great fun. I was babbling on about this at one point near 40-50% the way through like I was about Poor Things. I did not expect to like it this much.

TieDyeDude The author did an excellent job with this. I have Bloody Crimes, a companion/sequel, but I haven't read it yet. 1mo
tokorowilliamwallace Yes, it was a compelling narrative by audio. I was struck by the hysteria and mob the assassination caused in Washington. John Wilkes Booth was kind of both a delusional and tragic, cursed figure from what he considered himself and realized. It has me interested in the book on the hunt for the Confederate president and the conspiracy to kidnap the president, the latter of which is available for sale at my library. 1mo
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This was one of my favorite books of '22. Apple has had a fairly good record recently with adaptations, so I'm hopeful with their upcoming adaptation:

LeahBergen How exciting! I loved this book. 4mo
vivastory @LeahBergen If I recall correctly, there is a follow-up to this book. I need to look into it. 4mo
LeahBergen I haven‘t read it either. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4mo
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TieDyeDude Interesting. I hadn't heard of the adaption, but this is a very good book! 4mo
peaKnit Ooh adaptation!? I enjoyed this book also! 4mo
Aimeesue Living so near DC, we‘ve been to Ford‘s Theater for the tour, which was very moving. And the nearby Library of Congress has the objects that were in Lincoln‘s pockets that night. https://www.loc.gov/item/myloc16/ 4mo
Reggie Wasn‘t there a doctor whose barn the guy hid out in? And so they prosecuted that doctor, and they just exonerated him back in the 90s because his family kept up the fight for over a century saying he had nothing to do with the assassination? 4mo
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Think I saw this on Litsy, sounded interesting. Audiobook is narrated by Richard Thomas, aka John-boy from The Waltons. He was a great narrator—added some drama & suspense that I may not have gotten in reading the book. Enjoyed the story, learned some history.

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There was one book I found particularly riveting & informative in April & It was Swanson's account of the assassination of Lincoln at Ford's Theater & the following manhunt. At the end of the year, & so many books later, I still find the account of Lincoln, clearly beyond help at this point, being moved out of the theater & into a nearby home so that he could pass with dignity & comfort incredibly moving. Highly recommend!

LeahBergen This one has really stuck with me, as well. 1y
vivastory @LeahBergen I'm meaning to read the follow-up that he wrote 1y
Andrew65 Sounds excellent. 1y
TieDyeDude This was an excellent book. I raved about it so much, my friend got me the follow-up for Christmas a few years ago. I still haven't gotten around to reading it... 1y
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📚Macbeth*Mad & the Bad*Malorie*Man in My Basement*Manhunt*Mapping the Interior*Martian Chronicles*Masters of Atlantis*Memory Police*Moby-Dick
🖋️ McCullers*Miéville*David Mitchell
🎬 Moonage Daydream*Malignant
🎙️ Modest Mouse*Mogwai
🎧 My Name is Jonas (Weezer)*Man Who Sold the World (Nirvana)*Machinist (Japanese Breakfast)*Melting of the Sun (St Vincent)*Mariana Trench (Bright Eyes)*Maybe Sparrow (Neko Case)*Missed the Boat (Modest Mouse)

vivastory #manicmonday #letterm @CBee Happy Halloween 🎃🍂 2y
CBee I still need to read Malorie and Memory Police! Also 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 on your choices as usual 👻🎃 2y
AmyG Mogwai 👍🏻. I love reading your music choices. 2y
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vivastory @CBee I think I read them both the same year. They're pretty different but I loved them equally for differnet reasons. Malorie was exactly what I wanted Bird Box to be & Memory Police is one of the better dystopian novels pub in English recently I think that feels like it will stick around for awhile 2y
vivastory @AmyG Thanks! Have you ever heard Do Make Say Think? I was looking into post-rock music a few months ago & I saw them pop up a few times. I listened to a couple of their albums & I really like them. 2y
AmyG I like You‘re a History in Rust but that is the only album of theirs I have listened to. 2y
CBee @vivastory I think when I started Memory Police it was a bad time - parents with dementia - and I felt like I couldn‘t do it. But I very much still want to read it (someday)! 2y
vivastory @CBee That would make it difficult. I read another Ogawa that I thoroughly enjoyed & that might work better for you 2y
CBee @vivastory oh cool, is it short stories that all connect? Sounds super good 😊 2y
vivastory @CBee It is! I read it yrs ago, from what I recall the connections are subtle. I have been wanting to revisit it. I have also heard good things about 2y
CBee @vivastory I normally don‘t read many short stories, but if they all intersect in some way, that‘s intriguing. Another book like this is one I just came across on Litsy (gets great reviews): 2y
vivastory @CBee I don't read short stories often. I do like them, but I am a bit of a sucker for linked stories as it feels like a novel. 2y
CBee @vivastory exactly! I think I got a little burned out on them after having to read so many in school 😂 2y
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It was more than a bit eerie to finish Manhunt on April 26th, the day that Booth was killed, after evading the largest manhunt in American history at that point. From Booth's preparations upon hearing the announcement by the Ford Theater that President Lincoln & Grant would be attending the play Our American Cousin to the conclusion 12 days later, Swanson's book is an urgent, informative, detailed, account of the first presidential👇

vivastory assassination. There were passages that I found incredibly tense (the attack against Seward) & others I was profoundly moved by (moving Lincoln's body out of the Ford Theater & into a home). Highly recommended. One of the best nf books I read this year.

LeahBergen I thought this was fantastic. 👍 2y
vivastory @LeahBergen I stayed up so late to finish it. Completely worth it! Have you read his follow-up book? 2y
LeahBergen Not yet! You know how that goes… 😆 2y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ After my recent underwhelming experience with Fowler‘s BOOTH, I needed a detailed recounting of those harrowing days. Thanks for putting this on my radar, Scott and Holly. I didn‘t love the audio narration, but the info is thorough and solid. One of the highlights of my 8th grade (1996) DC school trip was visiting Ford‘s Theatre and Petersen House. I hope to take my boys when they‘re old enough to truly appreciate the history.

vivastory I was looking for this at HPB last week. Hope to read it over the next week or so. Glad it worked for you, despite the bad narration 2y
britt_brooke @vivastory I think you‘re going to like it. Keep me posted! 2y
Susanita Richard Thomas as in John Boy Walton? 2y
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britt_brooke @Susanita I had to look this up! Nope, appears to be coincidence. 😄 2y
Hooked_on_books I‘m glad you liked it! I read it a number of years ago in print, before I got into audio, so that‘s a bummer about the audio not being great. 2y
britt_brooke @Hooked_on_books Print definitely would‘ve been better, but I also think I‘m being nitpicky, lol. The narration wasn‘t exactly bad, I just didn‘t vibe with his voice. He was too new-caster sounding, if that makes sense? 😅 2y
Cinfhen So I‘m listening to Booth now and I‘m really enjoying it!! Way more than I expected. I think knowing ahead of time that it‘s about the Booth family and not JW put me in the right direction for expectations. 2y
Cinfhen I‘m also VERY picky about narrator‘s voices!! Especially male readers. 2y
Hooked_on_books Makes total sense! And it makes such a difference, having a good reader who is right for the book. The right narrator can make a so-so book better and a bad narrator can bring a great book down. 2y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen I knew that going in, too - I just thought the reasoning for nearly leaving him out was kind of pointless. And it didn‘t just hold my attention well. 🙈 I‘m happy you‘re enjoying it!! (edited) 2y
britt_brooke @Hooked_on_books Completely agree! 2y
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🎧🐾 Had to snap a photo of this gorgeous tree while walking Champ early this morning. Our neighborhood is popping with springtime and I love it!


Leftcoastzen That was my grandma‘s favorite tree! Beautiful! 2y
Suet624 I've never seen a tree like that! 2y
britt_brooke @Leftcoastzen Aw, that made me smile. 💚 2y
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britt_brooke @Suet624 There are ones that lean toward a purplish color, too. So pretty! Definitely one of my favorite things about spring in Tennessee. 2y
Suet624 I lived in Alexandria TN for four years and never had the pleasure of seeing these beauties. I lived on a commune off a beaten path and through several creeks so I didn't get out much. :) 2y
LeahBergen So pretty! 2y
britt_brooke @Suet624 That sounds like an interesting story there, Sue! 2y
BarbaraBB So so pretty 🤩 2y
Suet624 @britt_brooke Sure is. I have lots of funny stories from there. And some hard core pioneer stories. Honestly, it's the best way to live as a single mom. Lots of helpers. :) 2y
britt_brooke @Suet624 That‘s amazing! 2y
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Friendly reminder from Honest Abe…

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Swanson writes history like Grisham writes a courtroom thriller. Fast-paced like a novel, with details about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the subsequent search for his assassin that most teachers skip in US History courses. Swanson summed up the assassination well when he wrote that Booth stole from us the end of Lincoln‘s story, while noting that Booth‘s final words served as an appropriate epitaph for the actor: “Useless”. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

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Let‘s dive into history. Once more.

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I listened and read this title. The audio is.... dramatic. A bit too dramatic for me for the subject. The events themselves are dramatic enough so I am unsure why we would need the court room drama type music added to the reading.
Overall the story is well laid out, I didn't get confused which is saying something because i often realized I had read an entire page and absorbed none of it. I am blaming the pandemic for that, no concentration.

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I am sure they were happier in person?

This historical book is told a bit too dramatically but is interesting.

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My history nerd self = mind blown. 😂❤️

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My first book finished for #24b4Monday! The time is a combo of this book and my audiobook.

I thought this book was well-written in that it was easy to follow, thorough but organized, and detailed. But it also felt very, very long. I had a hard time getting through it, so maybe it just wasn‘t my thing. But if this is your cup of tea, it‘s very well done!
#bookishbingo: Historical figure

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Oh dear, oh #DearMrPresident .

Manhunt reads like a thriller and made me a tad Lincoln-obsessed for a while. Bloody Crimes is a sequel, of sorts, and still languishing on the TBR.


Tamra That sounds fun! 6y
LauraJ Looooooved Manhunt. The movie based on it was pretty good too. 6y
DebinHawaii Manhunt was excellent! I need to check out the sequel. 👍📚 6y
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LeahBergen @Tamra It‘s really good! 6y
LeahBergen @LauraJ I didn‘t know there was a movie. 😮 6y
LeahBergen @DebinHawaii Wasn‘t it done well? So exciting! 6y
batsy These sound so fascinating! Manhunt sounds like a gripping read. 6y
Reviewsbylola I enjoyed Manhunt! 6y
LeslieO Loved Manhunt. Never heard of the other one. I'll have to check it out. 6y
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I am admittedly not a big non-fiction reader. I did read this when it first came out and learned so much about this event in our history. I recommend it very much and it‘s on sale today for the ebook format for Kindle. If you do get it- please use a smile.amazon.com so your chosen charity gets a percentage!

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Riveting narrative. #mandown #junetunz

monkeygirlsmama Could be an interesting read, though me and historical reads don't usually mix well unless sleeping with hem on the first date counts. 🙄🤣 However, I've been told I'm related to John Wilkes Booth, so that makes this a little more intriguing. 7y
Cinfhen Sounds good! 7y
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This one looks good, ebook on sale until 7/27.

becausetrains Well worth it! 8y
Suzze I only read 4 or 5 nonfiction books a year, and this one wade 8y
Suzze Was excellent. 8y
LeahBergen I definitely recommend this one. 8y
MrBook On my TBR! 😊👍🏻 8y
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I was hooked from the first few pages. I loved the details and the use of primary sources. Excellent!