I really enjoyed this quick novella with is very strange, Lovecraftian feel. It's a great read if you want a fast horror for the season.
I really enjoyed this quick novella with is very strange, Lovecraftian feel. It's a great read if you want a fast horror for the season.
Cookie says that the real atrocity is that there is a closed door between herself and my son.
I enjoyed this book and felt it was true to the older gothic novellas I have read. I understand not explaining everything so that it is as creepy for the reader as the governess. That said I would love to see a prequel/sequel explaining it all since the explanations didn‘t come at the end
It was short kind of predictable but not bad. I would not say this is a pick as I will probably never read it again.
3⭐️ Full Review GR and LT. Copy received as a @24in48 prize
This feels very unfinished. It feel like the reader jumps from one concept to another with parts of the story burned away in between. It is a gothic exercise that i would love to see the author form into a larger work. I still can not quite say what I think of this story. Do i like it? Do I not? It‘s somewhere in between. I am left with too many questions to fully form an opinion.
I have to sit and think of this one before I know for sure if I like it. It‘s gothic Horror I guess. Just hummmmmmmm
On my third Ict Spooky read. Hopefully this one is spooky because the last two were not.
It‘s 85 outside in corn county and I promised Josh pizza if he cleaned the gutters.
What a crazy little volume! Wonderfully frightening read for a dreary Sunday afternoon. The gothic feel is reminiscent of a Susan Hill story, with just enough of the modern to feel relatable. Highly recommended.
Excellent pick, @Avanders, and the dark chocolate was wonderful :) #HGPBC #HorrorGoesPostalBookClub #TeamJaws
@Avanders You are so sweet! Thanks for the wonderful goodies with my #HGPBC package! I am so excited for this dark chocolate while I dig in to this book, you have no idea 😂 #horrorgoespostalbookclub #teamjaws #omnomnom
I read The Atrocities in one creepy sitting. I can't disagree with some of the criticisms I've read, but I nevertheless enjoyed the novella for its creepy little weirdness. I won't say more here as it's my #HGPBC #teamjaws pick (along with Normal, pictured, since they're both short -- No obligation to read the 2nd tho!), but 💀💀💀💀!
In other news, I received my #FFFS #FallingForFallSwap package! Yay!! 🎃🍁🎃🍁🎃
I got this novella from the library as something to read during lunch- don‘t quite know what I read but the imagery is so disturbing. This is a gothic 102p novella about a governess who arrives at a house, through a maze of religious topiary sculptures of “atrocities” to teach Isabella - a dead? child. Sinister visions, seeping walls, dark secrets, weird characters and a capybarra in a tutu. So odd!
Ok. WTF did I just read? Whatever it was, I have to give it A LOT of props because it completely creeped me out to the point of having to turn a light on, and I‘m the type of person who reads creepy stories to help me feel comforted before bed. This surreal gothic novella reads like a literal nightmare....and I mean this in the best possible way. I can‘t help but think this would make an amazing movie.
Read this #gothic #novella this afternoon while hanging with the ladies. Danna Valdez accepts a private live-in tutoring job and arrived to find a creepy house with terrifying art—and learns that her student is a ghost. Or is she? #horror #onedayread #newreleases
I love a good novella! This horror story packed a powerful punch in a small package. It actually gave me nightmares. So, that wasn't great, but it is a testimony to the impact of the descriptive power of the prose.
A decent but really weird ghost novella. The parts that dealt with Ms Valdez‘s past were very surreal and sometimes kind of lost me in their weirdness (think postmodern nightmarish visions). The general story, however, is interesting and the atmosphere is great. A quick and entertaining read for in-between two novels, but nothing extraordinary.
New read. The book is a lot slimmer IRL than it looked on the internet. 😂
Some horror to balance out the sweetness of the cozy I just finished.
I'm kind of lost as to what was going on here. Good atmosphere, but...
In today's #bookmail I received my door prize from the #24in48readathon. I requested the Ateocities and they also sent a bigger surprise. A galley for Witchmark. To be honest the cover reminds me of Whispering to Witches by Anna Dale.
This is a #socksunday and #24in48 update. That‘s supposed to be 20 hrs 57 mins but I can‘t be bothered to take the pic over again. @24in48
Read this deliciously nasty little bit of gothic horror last night. Such stunning, imaginative visuals! It‘s a Tor.com Publishing novella, of course. 🖤⚰️☠️