Guess where this girl will be Sept 6th?!?
Guess where this girl will be Sept 6th?!?
Help! I have 34 books in my Book Outlet Cart. They are having a 15% off sale. But it seems I remember last year they had a much bigger sale at some time. Should I be waiting for another sale? Book Outlet shoppers, help me!
Had a great time wandering around Brooklyn Bookfest today! We bought waaayyy too many books, but that‘s not really a problem is it? 😆
National Book Festival, which is run by the Library of Congress, is one of my favorite book events every year. This year I got to see a few authors talk (including Alex Bracken in the image) and got a few books signed.
@Marchpane can you tag the other Brisbane Litsy folk?? Anyone coming to the Lifeline Bookfest???
Here are my pictures from the BookFest StL panels! None of the pictures are very good, but the panels were fantastic! From top left, clockwise: YA with Sherman Alexie and Nina LaCour; Science Fiction with Ann Leckie, Charlie Jane Anders, Annalee Newitz, and Mark Tiedemann; Literary Fiction with Robin Sloan, Alex George, and Edward Kelsey Moore; and Memoir with Kathleen Finneran, Anne Edelstein, and George Hodgman. It was awesome!
IT'S ALMOST TIME!!!!! #dbf2017