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Forest of Whispers
Forest of Whispers | Jennifer Murgia
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Raised by an old fortune-teller within the dark veil of the Bavarian Black Forest, Rune has learned two valuable lessons: only take from the forest that which you can use, and never, never look anyone in the eye in the village. For something terrible happened in the forest long ago... and now, the whispers of a long-dead mother with a vengeful secret have come haunting. Forced to flee all she has ever known, Rune soon learns of a legacy she is bound to--one that is drenched in fear, witchcraft and murder--a birthright that stretches beyond the grave to the trees where Rune is no longer safe.
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Forest of Whispers | Jennifer Murgia
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From the moment you meet Rune, you can‘t help but root for her. Her entire life is surrounded in secrets and darkness, a mother who‘s name alone sends fear into the town. But when Rune must run into danger; the forest she‘s so carefully tread all her life - things come to light she never knew were in the dark.

LadyGothic This looks like a good book and also welcome to litsy hun 7y
LittyNerdfighter Thank you! It was a really good read. I enjoyed it and think about it a lot. lol. I‘ll have to find more by the author! 7y
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