I felt like this was such an adorable story! A little adolescent for my usual tastes, but I loved it. Delilah is delightful, Jules is kick-ass, and Oliver is adorable!
Oliver is charming and hilarious! Delilah makes me a tad angry, but I still love her. My heart breaks just a bit for Jules and Edgar, but true love always finds a way, right?
I felt like this was such an adorable story! A little adolescent for my usual tastes, but I loved it. Delilah is delightful, Jules is kick-ass, and Oliver is adorable!
I still do not forgive Tamlin, not even sorry. He‘s a real piece in my book. And Rhys...a beautiful disaster. Feyre has finally become the badass I‘ve been waiting on - long gone is the girl depending on the aid of a man to rise to power. Kudos. Also, I felt myself slowly dying while raging through the final battle. just begging the cauldron, PLEASE DONT KILL ANYONE I LOVE. Then the dad died, and everything was right in my world. Read this series.
No words. How you all forgive him, I don‘t understand. He sat there, silent and unyielding, while she was throwing herself into death. FOR HIM. When he does steal a moment to see her alone, almost has sex with her in a closet....WHAT? This is why she chooses Rhys. He deserves her, and she deserves him.
Much preferred the books. I stand by Katniss‘ choice of love, as well.
What a brilliant book! If you read it in high school and hated it, try it again as an adult. It‘s worth a second chance.
Brilliant. So important for the youth of today.
I‘m not a Clary fan, but I overlooked my mild distaste for our lovely main, and found I love this story.
I picked this series up when I was thirteen, and held on tight. I‘ve reread it since and find I still love this story. Though I could live without Extras 🤷🏻♀️
I love when you can see a story from another POV.
Call me what you will, I‘ll forever be in love with the books of this saga.
I feel like this book is important, but something was missing. I can‘t place my finger on just what, but there was something more it needed. Still a lovely read.
I will forever love this book, and the heartbreak it gave me.
Such an awesome trilogy. I love these books so much! I first read Tithe when I was thirteen, and have since read it at least ten time! Kaye and Roiben are such awesomely written characters! Always high praises for Holly Black 🖤
It‘s a cute enough story, and I love the writing. But as a huge fan of the first book, I was so hoping for more of Kaye and Roiben! I will take troll in the subway though ❤️ worth the read, and love the tie in to the original story as well.
Hook. Line. Sinker.
I had never thought of a dark side to faeries. But here it is, in all its technicolor glory. I fell in love from the first page, and felt my heart rate skyrocket with excitement each sentence I went. Such a good book.
Finally! A vampire story that doesn‘t romanticize the monster. It shows you the ugliness of them, yet you fall in love with one all the same. Such a beautifully written book. It was dark, and beautiful, and nerve wracking all the same. Holly Black continues to amaze me every time I touch a piece of her work.
THIS IS SUCH AN IMPORTANT BOOK. READ IT. UNDERSTAND IT. LOVE IT. I‘m so sorry that Ned Vizzini passed away after so many years fighting his own depression. What a beautiful soul.
Looking for Alaska is one of those books that really touches your soul. So beautifully written and a truly amazing read.
JLA. I love ya. I hate you, but I love you more. A beautiful ending. For now.
Ohhhh myyyy lawwwwd. Daemon, you sweet prince. This one gets my feels and breaks them. Then put them back together. Then sets them on fire. I love it.
I never liked that jerk! Humph! But this story just draws you in and keeps you there.
From the moment you meet Rune, you can‘t help but root for her. Her entire life is surrounded in secrets and darkness, a mother who‘s name alone sends fear into the town. But when Rune must run into danger; the forest she‘s so carefully tread all her life - things come to light she never knew were in the dark.
Holy Alien Babies Everywhere.
My dear sweet, Jen - I don‘t know how you did this. I fell head over heels for Katy immediately! Then the hottie douche canoe neighbor sealed the deal. Finding out is other worldly good looks weren‘t an exaggeration? GAH. I wasn‘t much for sci-fi alien types of reads before, but once I was in this one there was no going back!