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At the Existentialist Caf
At the Existentialist Caf: Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails | Sarah Bakewell
Paris, near the turn of 1933. Three young friends meet over apricot cocktails at the Bec-de-Gaz bar on the rue Montparnasse. They are Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and their friend Raymond Aron, who opens their eyes to a radical new way of thinking. Pointing to his drink, he says, "You can make philosophy out of this cocktail!" From this moment of inspiration, Sartre will create his own extraordinary philosophy of real, experienced life e" of love and desire, of freedom and being, of cafés and waiters, of friendships and revolutionary fervour. It is a philosophy that will enthral Paris and sweep through the world, leaving its mark on post-war liberation movements, from the student uprisings of 1968 to civil rights pioneers. At the Existentialist Café tells the story of modern existentialism as one of passionate encounters between people, minds and ideas. From the e~king and queen of existentialisme(tm) e" Sartre and de Beauvoir e" to their wider circle of friends and adversaries including Albert Camus, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Iris Murdoch, this book is an enjoyable and original journey through a captivating intellectual movement. Weaving biography and thought, Sarah Bakewell takes us to the heart of a philosophy about life that also changed lives, and that tackled the biggest questions of all: what we are and how we are to live.
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Fred is keeping a close eye on the chatty birds that take over the backyard at this time of year.

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Happy Independent Bookstore Day. Visited a new-to-me bookstore. Leopoldo‘s Books Bar Caffe in Madison, Wisconsin.

Aims42 Your book and drink combo is spot on 👍 Cheers!! 🥃📙 2y
BookBosomed1 @Aims42 Thanks! With every book purchase, the bookstore was giving free rosé sangria. It just so happened the cocktail matched my book cover. Serendipity! 2y
Aims42 @BookBosomed1 That‘s awesome! 😄 2y
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I finished 200 of 327 pages before the library started getting testy about me keeping it out so long. Not wanting to be on the bad side of librarians, I'm taking it back but plan to purchase a copy each for myself and my dad. I knew I tended towards existentialist thinking, but I didn't realize how closely that thinking aligned until I read Bakewell's interpretations of some of the big existentialists. June #doublespin. @TheAromaofBooks

wanderinglynn Sounds interesting. Stacked! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Friday's calendar is open, but my to-do list is full.

Erinsuereads I loved wilder girls! 3y
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Front cover is towards the bottom of the photo. It's 5:30pm. I suspect I won't be finishing this one before June 1. It's interesting but dense.

Desha San Diego Public Library! Familiar name! I was born in and lived in SD until a couple of years ago when I moved to Ventura County just above LA. What is your closest library? Mine was Carmel Mountain! 📚📚♥️ 3y
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A little morning reading time.

Chrissyreadit 🙌😍👏 lovely 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Good morning 🌞 3y
Cathythoughts Lovely picture 📚 💫 3y
CaffeineAndCandy 💜💜💜 3y
Blaire @Chrissyreadit @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Cathythoughts @CaffeineAndCandy thank you all. I couldn‘t sleep last night and it was a needed reset this morning. 3y
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I think this book is a possible life-changer for me. I found everything about it fascinating and it introduces you to some key existentialist figures in such a lively and accessible way. Would 1000% recommend. I'm now keen to read more about existentialist ideas and the people behind them!

Next up though is Akala's 'Natives' which I'll start later today!

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I am off work for the next 4 days (woo yeah annual leave and the weekend!!), and I plan to read LOTS! My #midyearrush goals involved at least 2 hours on a weekend and I'm going to apply that to any day I'm not at work😊 @Clwojick

Clwojick You‘ve got this! 🎉👏🏻 4y
Moll @Clwojick 💪💪💖 4y
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My love of reading is well and truly back in full swing post-degree and I'm SO EXCITED about it! I've read about 10 books this year but I intend to read more for the second half if I can!

I'm going to try to read for at least half an hour on weekdays and at least a 2 hours a day on weekends (this is at a minimum) & at least 2 books a month (again at a minimum)!

#Midyearrush @Clwojick

Clwojick Great goals! 🧡 4y
Moll @Clwojick Thank you! And thank you for running also!! 4y
Clwojick Oh trust me, it‘s my pleasure. 😏 I‘m obsessed with all the reading events. 4y
Moll @Clwojick hahaha and fair enough too! 4y
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There are lots of green spaces near my parents' house (which is where I'm staying during covid) & I spent a full day at this one yesterday reading At The Existentialist Café!

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Sarah Bakewell executed this beautifully. It flowed well, moving through the decades and to the lives/works of a vast cast of Existentialists. It was like reading fiction. In between their work/writings each individual had a lot going on: two world wars, imprisonment, affairs, open relationships, betrayals, political activism, losing friendships. I was fascinated, and now more interested in Existentialism. I've added so many books to my TBR.

Chrissyreadit I‘m reading the reviews of this book and it sounds like you would recommend it- was it an “easy read” flowing or the type you need to take notes and breaks to digest? 2y
jen_the_scribe @Chrissyreadit I thought it was an easy read. It‘s almost like reading fiction, the way the prose flows and how she set up the timeline. 2y
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Sitting out on my porch as the sun sets, listening to the rain as I read. I'm coming to the end of this book, and I'm even more interested in philosophy. I want to read almost every book in the bibliography. Does anyone else get overwhelmed by the amount of books you'd like to read? So little time...

Scochrane26 Yes, I definitely get overwhelmed sometimes, but I know I won‘t stop adding to my tbr. 4y
jen_the_scribe @Scochrane26 Oh for sure. I'll never stop adding to mine. 4y
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"We can never move definitively from ignorance to certainty, for the thread of the inquiry will constantly lead us back to ignorance again."

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Emmanuel Levinas was in a POW camp after fighting the Nazi's for France. He talked about how they were treated by the guards at the camp, in comparison to how they were treated by a stray dog there. This paragraph got to me.

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Sunday ❤ I'm loving this book; a wonderful introduction into Existentialism and phenomenology, and the greats involved in these fields. Sometimes it feels like I'm reading fiction.


"Sartre here resurrects the ancient Stoic idea that I may not choose what happens to me, but I can choose what to make of it, spiritually speaking."


"...art brings liberation because it captures things as they are and gives them an inner necessity."

BookmarkTavern Lovely quote! 4y
jen_the_scribe @ozma.of.oz I thought so too 😊 4y
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She keeps pawing at me for attention, so I have to hold my book awkwardly with one hand and pet her with the other. #dogsoflitsy

wanderinglynn Aw, how can you resist such a cute face?! ❤️🐶 4y
jen_the_scribe @wanderinglynn I absolutely can't resist, I just deal with holding my book awkwardly lol 4y
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"Remember being--out there, in here, under you, above you, pressing in upon you. Remember the things themselves, and remember your own being!"

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It's a rainy day, the perfect time to get started on the many books waiting for me on my shelf 😁

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Well I have always been interested in the existentialists and this is a great primer on the subject. Part discussion on the underlying philosophy of existentialism part history of the movement focussing on both the French and the German schools. What came across to me was how flawed these philosophers were; volatile, sensitive, friendships breaking and reforming, and in one case associating with Nazi‘s. But they lived an examined life.

Velvetfur That book is on my TBR, having heard of it on here! I love existentialism, and this is a great review which gives me a really good idea of what this book is like - thank you! 5y
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An interesting look at Satre and Simone de Beauvoir. With an insight into some of Camus and Heidegger.
Sarah Bakewell makes some complex philosophy far more accessible.
Beauvoir is frequently referred to in glowing terms. Personally, I much prefer the writing of Camus, but it's interesting reading a different perspective.

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I love reading about historical moments like this. I am really enjoying this book and reading through at a leisurely place while I speed through some other books.

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Long train ride from Boston to NYC, but with some good company. I could use an apricot cocktail right now.

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Pub sitting for someone and missing my books. Turned to Audible for now. But what do I read first? 🤔

LeePeckover And is it 'reading'? 6y
RJHowe Istanbul looks fascinating 6y
DebbieGrillo Pub sitting? 6y
LeePeckover @DebbieGrillo Yep! It's like house sitting, only for a friend who manages and lives in a pub! 6y
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Reading about existentialism and drinking Guinness - this could go one of two ways 😂 #bookandabeverage #riotgrams

merelybookish Have fun! (I loved this author's book on Montaigne. Is this one good?) 7y
Leftcoastzen Are you liking it so far? The book I mean , Guinness always good! Still on my TBR. 7y
youneverarrived @merelybookish yeah, it‘s really good so far. I‘m about halfway through. I‘d recommend it if you‘re interested in philosophy at all. I‘m definitely learning from it. 7y
youneverarrived @Leftcoastzen I‘m really liking it. It‘s partly written as a biography of the people that ‘made‘ existentialism and how it came about etc. and partly about the philosophy itself. Really accessible though. 7y
Cathythoughts Sláinte ?Guinness is good for you ? 7y
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Thndrstd I‘m curious what you think of this. I think I want to read it but I don‘t know anyone who‘s read it 7y
Leftcoastzen It‘s been sitting on my TBR for a while. 7y
youneverarrived @Thndrstd I‘ll let you know. It‘s really interesting so far. If you‘re interested in existentialism then I think you‘d be interested in it in the way it portrays the way the philosophy ‘came to life‘. 7y
youneverarrived @Leftcoastzen I‘d be interested in what you think of it! 7y
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Starting a new book on the way to London 🧡 I feel like I‘ve been reading a lot of ‘light‘ books lately so looking forward to this.

Cathythoughts Looks good 👍🏻 7y
catebutler This is an excellent book! 7y
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This book is less of a philosophy book and more of a history of philosophy book. Though it discusses the ideas of the philosophers surrounding the 20th century existentialist movement it is more interested in the people in themselves. Their relationships with each other, their intellectual interests, the events surrounding their lives, etc. This makes the content easier to digest and enjoyable by a wider audience. Greatly enjoyed it!

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At #bookcon totally overwhelmed (it's my first). Finally bought up At the Existentialist Cafe for $10. 👍🏻 highly recommend for all book nerds next year. (Major book haul photo to come)

BookBabe 🙌🏻 Have fun! I'll be there tomorrow 😊 7y
mrozzz @BookBabe wooooo enjoy 😊 7y
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I picked up this book that's been on my TBR list for #Independentbookstoreday. The other is a library hold that came in. ⚜️


"'To the things themselves!' Don't waste time on the interpretations that accrue upon things, and especially don't waste time wondering whether the things are real. Just look at this that's presenting itself to you, whatever this may be, and describe it as precisely as possible."

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Holiday reading plans!

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Managing to cram in some late night reading before term finishes tomorrow

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This is a simply marvellous book: informative and entertaining, though it never succumbs to the risk of dumbing down its subject. All together a dazzling book. See my goodreads review at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25658482-at-the-existentialist-caf

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A lonely commute for me today, as @WanderingBookaneer is sick 😕 -- twentieth century philosophers kept me company.

LornaDH Saw this at the bookstore recently. Intrigued. 7y
Cinfhen Like the view out your car window 😍 7y
Vikz I really loved this book 7y
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New audiobook. I'm alternating with "Trump Revealed," because well, I need palate cleansers. Hope you have a good day, Littens! (And heartfelt thank yous for all the lovely anniversary wishes yesterday! ???)

Gina Palate cleanser I love that. 7y
RealBooks4ever What she said ^^^ 7y
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@BookishMarginalia and I are enjoying this audiobook. #SeptimusCat may not be.

Laalaleighh He's enjoying his nap. 7y
Bookwitchery Oh my God he looks so much like my Max, my much loved black cat that blessed our lives until he was 16. I love black cats. We have a 6yo girl now named Raven. She makes a great reading companion. Thanks for sharing this picture 7y
WanderingBookaneer @Bookwitchery : ❤️We have two black cats. #TrickyCat , who is 3, and Septimus, 6 months. 7y
tpixie Love black cats!! 7y
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Coffee enhancing my existentialist studies ... and existence itself (though this marvellous book is not in need of any external enhancement). #existentialism #philosophy #coffeeandbooks

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WOOT! I've been waiting for my chance to get this one for about a YEAR!

Krisjericho I don't know much about Sarte, so I'm really curious about this one. 8y
Ross Honestly, he's my favorite! I've got tons of his stuff. I'll get some to you. 8y
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