Started off thinking this would be a bit like Chocolat or Like water for chocolate but not quite as good. Then it got bizarre!! It was an easy read and removes a book from my shelf as well as meeting #bakedgoodsoncover prompt for #booked2021
Started off thinking this would be a bit like Chocolat or Like water for chocolate but not quite as good. Then it got bizarre!! It was an easy read and removes a book from my shelf as well as meeting #bakedgoodsoncover prompt for #booked2021
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I really liked this! It‘s super cute and light, just what I needed right now!
This was a weird train wreck or a book. I could go into a whole rant about it but I‘ll restrain myself and just say: don‘t read it. In happier news, I made this lemon pie and it‘s delicious 😋
It's a bit of a muddle and I wasn't quite sure where things were going a lot of the time. I felt like there were several good stories that could be fleshed out better in this single story and somehow I wasn't feeling it.
I actually wrapped up one more - making 16 books for November. This one was.... odd. It basically was half a Sarah Addison Allen book + half an X-Men movie. I can‘t decide if I‘m going to be reviewing it or not. 🤔 #jesshowreads2018
I got sent ALL THAT SHE CAN SEE by @shelfawareness - it seems to be a novel about baking! I‘ve got crêpe batter ready for dinner on this blustery, and it seems like the perfect time to snag 30 minutes of reading time by the #christmastree to see if I like it!
I've been reading this for about 2 hours and I'm completely hooked. I keep having to stop to do things, and I keep coming straight back to it. I'm exhausted and want to sleep so much, but I can't put if down once I've picked it up. It's drawing me in and holding onto me.
Thoroughly enjoyed it!
Cherry has a hidden talent. She can see things other people can't and she decided a long time ago to use this skill to help others. As far as the rest of the town is concern she is the kind-hearted young woman who owns the bakery but in private she uses her gift to add something to her cakes so that after one mouthful they start to feel better...
Ended up in a book store earlier today after missing my bus...ooops 😜✨ Couldn't resist buying a book after all that! I think the cover of this book drew me in...📖
So, after reading Carrie's first novel 'On The Other Side' I was extremely excited to read this and I was not disappointed! Her writing drastically improves from her first novel to this one. All That She Can See honestly made me laugh, cry and never want to put it down. The plot was captivating and gripping right from the start, and the characters are well thought out and each one is an individual that brings something different. Well done Carrie!
My gods
This book.... it has everything. It has everything I personally love in books/stories and more even! I really have no words to describe this book.
But it. Is. A-ma-zing!!!!! Truly magical.
Truly, how Carrie Hope Fletcher manages to write such magically wonderful books is beyond me. If you haven't already, go get your hands on a copy of her book. I'm halfway through the book and It's so wonderful, I barely have words for it.
"Why anyone would choose to wear dresses you can't breathe in and high heels you can't walk in when pyjamas and slippers are readily available to everyone... well, it's beyond me!"
Page 5 and I'm in love. I also have a feeling this book is going to make me cry.
Stay tuned for more posts about this book!
Time to read this beauty by Carrie Hope Fletcher, already loving the 'dedicated to' bit.