Another inspiration book for Bullet Journaling or any other real journaling method. Another Book I'd recommend borrowing from a library first.
Another inspiration book for Bullet Journaling or any other real journaling method. Another Book I'd recommend borrowing from a library first.
The two of them are an interesting couple and it was a fun read. There were bits that stretched credulity but overall it was a good read.
This is not a book to be taken lightly. I'm sure there are people who would say that this is too feminist or some such, however this catalogue of how at least 50% of the population are treated as ignorable and hysterical when the received wisdom clashes with fact.
Oh man, women are just not taken into account. I have had people comment about how our kitchen is low, yes, because I'm short. Apparently people don't ask for their kitchen to be lower. I've just got to the part where Piano Keyboards are not women friendly, yeah, it's the reason I only got to grade 7 (out of 8 then diploma in music) I could feel the active damage I was doing and with a ganglion already I didn't want more.
It is of it's period. Originally published in 1940, however it's well done, interesting to see the members of the jury in snapshots and then to deal with the case. Twisty and I found it a very satisfying read.
The story was going so well until the end and then it just seemed to peter out and resolve itself without really feeling done.
Story of ghosts, the occult and murder.
Bit too much plot, could have been multiple books. Very readable. Trigger warning for multiple abuse scenarios. Not quite a pick but not bad.
This is good for page design ideas or ideas how to tweak a bullet journal but it's nothing without the original site and she acknowledges this. It was good to make me think about how to make my work journal better.
This was a powerful read, Binti is an interesting character and her problems feel like things that come from her upbringing and what has happened to her, she's starting to be a bit less passive about what's going on with her and it will be interesting to see where this is going to take her.and how she is going to deal with what has happened to her family.
I want to write half as well as Nnedi does.
Lacked distinct voices, interesting world building with teens trying to save magic.
Shipwreck and amnesia and a dashing naval captain... yeah it's fun. Probably best read after the companion novel A Lady Becomes a Governess.
Her brother is a complete cad.
Well that was an interesting read, sequel that needs you to have read the previous book. Quite Irish and quite inclusive and interesting characters with different motives. The ending felt a bit rushed and like an end to the series but also somewhat open-ended.
Interesting victorian investigation with a female hero not sure of herself
Another book because of the Hugo Ballot. I didn't even get it home. I made the error of starting to read it
I would have liked a glossary for some of the words.I also loved the idea of a specific plat having family meaning.
Yes it's worth reading, yes I have some issues with what's going on, yes I want to read more.
Borrowed from Meath County Libraries for my Hugo Shortlist read.
Quin trying to cope with power and responsibility and survival in a post-Katrina New Orleans. Enjoyed.
Well that was interesting, a boy runs away from home and a storm that knows his name and his life keeps getting complicated. Artwork reminds me a lot of European comics and makes me want to return soon.
This series has been an interesting twisted look at faerie tales and a look at the people who go to these different worlds. Inclusive and interesting this explains a lot about the first book.
Damn it but the Hugo Award Shortlist has led me to a lot of good reads.
Not a bad romance between two people who are thrown together and have to find a marriage between the cracks and then find that they actually quite like each other.
It's a bit of a muddle and I wasn't quite sure where things were going a lot of the time. I felt like there were several good stories that could be fleshed out better in this single story and somehow I wasn't feeling it.
I quite enjoyed it. Characters were fun and I'm sure if I'd read more early horror I'd get more of the in jokes, but it works without having read those.
The books with bookmarks in in the bedroom. Strange Practice is the currently actively being read book.
“Contrary to popular belief his claim had absolutely nothing to do with Salic Law; a local land inheritance law whose relevance was pretended by French writers in the next century.“ p. 158 encapsulates the writers tone