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Timebound | Rysa Walker
When a murder in the past destroys the foundation of her present-day life, Kate uses her genetic ability to time-travel to stop the murder and attempt to change the timeline--which may erase the memory of the boy she loves.
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Timebound | Rysa Walker
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Kate has learned that her grandmother Katherine is a time traveling historian from the future. Her grandfather has changed timelines when making jumps in order to accrue personal power and will destroy anyone who gets in his way. Kate is the only one who may be able to stop him and correct the damage he‘s done. To do so she‘ll have to be trained to make jumps and go back to the Chicago World‘s Fair to warn her grandmother about coming events.

Carolyn11215 This was my #doublespin book for January. @TheAromaofBooks (edited) 4y
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Timebound | Rysa Walker
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#LiteraryLuck @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

All I can think of is Cher's song 'If I could turn back time'

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Good one 🕰💚 6y
vkois88 Yesss! Lol 6y
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Timebound | Rysa Walker

Really enjoyed the first book of the series! Really enjoyed the idea of traveling historians, but in the last book of the series it was hard to follow the time traveling. If you like time travel and history this is for you!

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Timebound | Rysa Walker
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First in the series, liked this time travel novel but it did get slow just before a so-so ending. Anyone read the rest in this series? I may read the next or maybe I already read it! Love time travel, it needs to happen for real!😜

Timebound | Rysa Walker
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Calling time! I didn‘t make 25 hours, but I made a dent in my TBR. Until the next #25infive

MoniqueReads305 Congrats. That's a great time and putting a dent in the TBR is always something to celebrate 6y
mhillis Nice!! 6y
tammysue 👏🏻 Great job! 6y
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Timebound | Rysa Walker
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1. Claims adjuster
2. Candy store
3. Late teens, I took a job in an un-air-conditioned warehouse in the summer. I last two weeks. 😰🤢
4. Time-traveling historian!

#hellothursday @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Love your dream job! 👍🏻👍🏻 Thanks for playing! 😀 6y
Chelleo I worked at Long John Silver for one day. The C R U M B S . . . . . . . . Drove me crazy 😜 6y
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Timebound | Rysa Walker
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#Riotgrams day 6: Duologies, Trilogies & more. This is a super fun YA time travel story that helped me get out of a reading rut a couple of years ago. 👍👍

Timebound | Rysa Walker
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⏰ post WWI
🕰 Alaska
⏱ The Wind is not a River
#bookishtimeandtravel @bookandcat

bookandcat Ooh! What made you pick Alaska? Have you ever been? 6y
Eggs @bookandcat I've read many books set there but have never been. The Final Frontier!!! 6y
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Timebound | Rysa Walker
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Ugh...a measly 3 books finished this month 🙁 We did have a major flood happen in my tiny CA foothills town & have been busy helping my community (read: too much people-ing for this introvert) ♡ hoping to read my standard 5 for April. Happy Easter Eve my Littens 🐰🐣

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Timebound | Rysa Walker

A fun read. What happens when someone erases your past?

Timebound | Rysa Walker

Only 5% in and already passing. I can tell this isn‘t for me.

Timebound | Rysa Walker
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I got an email that said I now had access to an updated version of this Kindle book I owned, with new art and animation. It is a novel and had no illustrations before. Now it has pictures randomly throughout, and some of those are animated. Here is an example picture. Has anyone else ever got an email like that?
I would like to add that this is a fun YA time travel adventure, if anyone is interested in those genres.

Carolyn11215 I got same email today! 7y
SandyW One of the reasons I like kindle, especially for non-fiction... I've gotten several updates along the way. 7y
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Timebound | Rysa Walker
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For me anywhere from a few days to to a week #bookishquestionoftheweek

DarcysMom Anywhere from a few hours to several weeks - a lot depends on whether there is a deadline to finish it. 😁 7y
HeatherBookNerd I average 4-5 books a month and some are audio. 7y
Pruzy Takes me 1 - 2 weeks. I think that makes me slower than the average litten! 7y
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LyndseyReads Varies widely. I finished two books this week: one I read in a day and one I read over the course of two months! 7y
RebL Depends on the book and what's going on in my life. I am a sow reader. I like to savor the experience. 7y
imabusybee Depends on the book, I average 10 to 15 a month. 7y
TheNextBook When I'm planning books I plan to read 100 pages at least a day. Usually I can hit that but life happens. I average 2-3 books a week 7y
Nat_Reads About a week? Unless I'm off work. Then a day or two! 7y
[DELETED] 206653737 Depending on the length of the book and what I‘ve got going on in life, a few days to a week on average. 7y
Christyco125 Average book length of about 300 pages is 4 days. I finish about 8 books a month but I do a lot of audio. 7y
TrishB Depends on too many things! 7y
Rachellynnwright It varies greatly, but on average about 5 days to a week 7y
bookloo Same! It also depends on how much I‘m hooked—I‘ll lose sleep over those and read them in a day. :p 7y
ScrappyMags 300 pages usually 2-3 days but I‘ve read that in a day. Heck I once read Harry Potter in a day. It def depends on a lot since I have chronic illness and if a book “hooks” me but I give a book about 50-75 7y
ScrappyMags Oops... pages now and if I‘m not into it I bail. 7y
Cathythoughts On " average " about 1 week. ? 7y
Dogearedcopy 😄 Spreadsheet time! Last year it took me an average of 2.5 days to read a book that was on the average a little over 319 pages long! 7y
litmuggle A week because I tend to read more than one book at a time. 7y
tammysue On average 2-4 days. 7y
GA_Bookworm07 Couple of weeks to a month 7y
GA_Bookworm07 Usually i read 4+ books. Recently its just two 7y
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Timebound | Rysa Walker
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This sucked me in. I've always been skeptical of books published by Amazon, but this changed my mind. I recommend it for those who like adventure. :) Also the first book I read on a Kindle, and was also pleasantly surprised by that!

Timebound | Rysa Walker
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Started this beauty on lunch. I picked it solely for the cover; one of my choices on my 2016 Reading Challenge.

Timebound | Rysa Walker

Yeeaahh...imma gonna have to get he rest of this series. I was in love with this early on, the interaction between the various generations was just lovely. I'm not sure it's the most tidy of time travel flow charts, but the balance between wrapping the individual story of the book and leaving me needing to know what happens next in the series was just about perfect. I particularly enjoyed it in light of having read The Devil in the White City

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Timebound | Rysa Walker
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I suspect that I recognize that some from The Devil in the White City. Oh, look at that, Chicago in the lower right, yup, should make for an interesting ride.

Timebound | Rysa Walker

Just finished. Feel the same way I did in my last post about it, and I don't feel like I need to read the rest. Though I do appreciate the author writing a YA time-travel novel, which gets it an extra 1/2 star.

Timebound | Rysa Walker
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Hmmm. I have very mixed feelings about this one. The story itself is kind of interesting, but it doesn't flow very nicely — I often feel like it's dragging on, even though it's not a simple matter of editing but maybe structure. It just feels a bit like a zig-zag, if that makes sense, sometimes moving fast and other times kind of wasting time. (Cont. in comments)

Elisa Also, I'm not a fan of the fact that the author seems to have borrowed details and symbolism from some minor religions, which feels like a cheap shot and so tacky. I'm about half-way through and I think I'll finish it, but I'm fairly certain I won't read the rest. 8y
TheLondonBookworm I read these on my kindle unlimited free trial, it was interesting enough for me to read once but I certainly wouldn't bother again! 8y
Elisa @TheLondonBookworm yes, that is exactly why I picked it, because I'm on the Kindle Unlimited free trial and this is one of the few items that I had on my TBR that's included in KU. Won't be subscribing at the end of the thirty days, the selection isn't great. 8y
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Timebound | Rysa Walker
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My first read on Kindle Unlimited! There don't seems to be a lot of books from my wish list available on KU though. Do you have a subscription? Please share some of your favorite reads on it! I am on a free trial and trying to decide if it's worth subscribing to.

JoeStalksBeck I love unlimited listen and read free. I think Karin Slaughters , Thorn in my Side is my favorite 8y
Varshitha They did not have many of my TBR books either, so didn't subscribe.. 8y
MrBook I have a Kindle but not Unlimited 😕. 8y
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Elisa @Book_Addict thank you for the recommendation! 🌺 8y
Elisa @Varshitha that's the way I am leaning, too 😕 8y
Elisa @MrBook Kindle Unlimited is actually fairly limited, it turns out 😬 8y
MrBook *smacks forehead* 8y
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