The reading room at the Library of Congress
The reading room at the Library of Congress
There is freedom and knowledge when we learn what our country stands for, and how it was originally meant to be for all humanity. ”We the people...”
#AmericanPride #USA #Framers
Source: Kimothy Joy
The past week has been a big one for my daughter. She graduated from high school this past Friday, and today, she voted for the first time. Sheri and I went with her when we voted in the Virginia Democratic Primary.
#ProudPapa #ProudParents #AllGrownUp #HighSchoolGrad #Election
I am a fan. It may have been written by white men (some of whom had slaves) but the basic ideals of freedom articulated by the authors still inspire. As a Texan, I am sad that ambitious opportunists pandering to extreme religious groups elect to ignore this book. #fairness #civilrights