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Brieven aan de duisternis
Brieven aan de duisternis | Brigid Kemmerer
Ik zou net zo goed brieven aan de duisternis kunnen schrijven en een antwoord verwachten. Ik weet niet eens wie je bent, maar ik heb het gevoel dat ik je begrijp. Ik heb het gevoel dat jij mij begrijpt. Juliet laat brieven achter op het graf van haar moeder. Declan werkt op het kerkhof vanwege een taakstraf. Wanneer hij een van Juliets brieven vindt, ontstaat een bijzondere briefwisseling, die zich al snel uitbreidt naar mail en app. Op papier en beeldscherm vertellen Juliet en Declan elkaar alles, denkend dat ze elkaar nog nooit ontmoet hebben. Ze zitten echter op dezelfde middelbare school. Wat doe je als de enige persoon die je echt volledig vertrouwt niet is wie je dacht dat hij was?
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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AmandaBlaze I really enjoyed that book. 2mo
Eggs Beautiful 💜 Love the painting💜💜 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs thank you! 😊 2mo
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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A little late.
1. Letters to the Lost
2. That part of it was epistolary. The way Kemmerer described the characters' emotions made them so lifelike.
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView.

TheSpineView Never too late to play! 13mo
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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I loved this part epistolary novel. A girl writes a letter to her dead mother, and the teenage grounds keeper answers it. Soon they are exchanging letters and emails about the things they can't tell anyone else. The emotions are so achingly honest that the characters are lifted from the page. This was supposed to be a Pick review.
5 stars.
@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 14mo
Andrew65 Sounds brilliant 👏👏👏 14mo
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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“There's this photograph I can't get out of my mind.“

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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Taking a break from my psychological thrillers with this one.

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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This was a beautiful story and I'm so glad I came across someone's review on litsy that drew my attention to it. I couldn't help caring for these characters and I will think about this book for years to come.

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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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#Letters 💌📜 #MayMontage 🥳💐♊️

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Eggs Lovely 🥰 1y
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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It‘s hair day! Catching up with this one! 💗📝💜 it‘s been neglected!


Allylu I loved this book!! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Allylu it is so good!! 💜 2y
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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Always bring a book!!!

Gymnastics 🤸‍♂️

TheBookgeekFrau At least yours don't get covered in dust in a gym like mine did at the barn 😂 2y
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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Started this one on the way to the gymnastics meet in Little Rock… I brought 2 physical books and then bought this on Amazon for 99 cents! I think I‘m covered for the two days I‘m here 😂😂😂 Am I the only person who does this?!?!

dabbe I do this all the time, but the difference is I DON'T REMEMBER doing it. I'll have the physical book but still buy the Kindle version, not remembering that I already had the physical one. Or vice versa. At one point, I had 5 hard copies of JANE EYRE, most of them with the same cover + 1 on the Kindle! 🤣 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @dabbe haha! I‘ve done that a few times too! 2y
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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I‘m trying to read as much of Brigid Kemmerer‘s backlist as I can. How does she get teenagers so well. This is a great story - two young people, a guy and a girl, are suffering from the loss of someone dear to them, blaming themselves, but they find each other - not in person - but through letters, then emails. It really touched my heart. It‘s so good. #45 #BookSpin #21 #BFC22 #ReadMyRoom #SERIES2022 #Pantone2022 Blueberry #Hikeathonreads

KristiAhlers I really thought that one was a solid read. 2y
Clwojick Great colour match!!! 2y
TheSpineView Awesome! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Cool cover!! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 💙💛 3y
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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You know that feeling when you can just feel it in your bones that 'this will be a story worth remembering' and 'I'm gonna have the time of my life reading this one'? that's how I'm feeling right now. Now that I've finally decided my #nextread.
#bibliophile #reading #lovebooks #booktography #photography #booknerd #bookworm
What did you guys think of this one? No spoilers though.🍻📚

You're doing great.

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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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One day isn't your whole life. A day is just a day.

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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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I found this coming of age story very moving and the struggles of both characters to be believable and engrossing. I recommend this book for many reasons but the most important it is one regardless of age, or place in life one, if we are honest with ourselves we can all relate to at some point in our lives.

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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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What is one book you'd recommend to everyone? My all time favorite is The Raven Boys but the writing and character development can be hit or miss dependingon the reader. Letters to the Lost is a book that I believe would be universally loved. AND I just checked... it's $1.99 on kindle today! 😲 So what would be your everyone-could-love book that should be added to my TBR?

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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I finished this last night. I couldn‘t put it down. It gave me so many feels. Juliet‘s mom died and she writes her letters and leaves them at her grave. Declan is doing community service at the graveyard. While out mowing he comes across Juliet‘s letter and responds to it. She wasn‘t to happy about it and soon the start emailing each other not knowing who each other see in real life. This book broke my heart but I loved every minute of this book!

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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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Do you ever read the negative reviews of the books you love?

I am, perhaps, a glutton for punishment but, yes, I do. For the second time since starting my BookTube channel, I filmed a video where I read some of the hate my favorite 2019 reads have gotten. It made me sad so I needed chocolate afterwards!

The video will be coming later today! Letters to the Lost and All That‘s Bright and Gone are included, along with 3 other favorites of mine!

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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This is one my favourite books, I loved every second of it. It‘s heartbreaking in places as much as it is healing, it‘s tragic and it‘s sweet. It has a bit of everything I love. I‘ve reread this quite a few times now and I never get bored of it. Also massive praise for the character Rev..I‘m yet to read his book but I can‘t wait to find out more about him.

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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Let‘s talk about all of the books we read in October! You can see my wrap up video here: https://youtu.be/mqhepfd6TW0

#booktube #booksreadinoctober #octoberwrapup #octoberreads #bookreviews #readingvlog

EadieB When Laurel Mack's daughter, Ellie, disappears, Laurel's family and life falls apart. 10 years have past and Laurel has decided to move on. She meets a man who has a daughter named Poppy who reminds Laurel of Ellie which gives Laurel a lot of unanswered questions once more. This book kept me hooked from the very beginning. The story is told with 4 POV and just when you think that you have figured out what happened to Ellie, Lisa Jewell throws out 5y
EadieB some twists and the doubts begin. It is a very emotional and heart wrenching read. This was my first Lisa Jewell book but won't be my last.

@Butterflyamore I read this in July 2018 so can't remember everything. I gave it 4 stars so I'm thinking you need to read the ending. Looks like there is a big twist here.

I need to read The Heart Shape Box after your review.

I feel the same way about Naomi Novicki. Not too interested in her books.
(edited) 5y
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EadieB I have Uprooted but after reading Spinning Silver not too excited to read it.

You also made me want to read The Better Liar, When She Returned and books by Mark Edwards.

By the way, your makeup looks so good today. You look so pretty on the video!
EadieB Just noticed that I have these books that Mark Edwards has written with Louise Voss:
DI Patrick Lennon (with Louise Voss)
1. From the Cradle (2014)
2. The Blissfully Dead (2015)
One Shot (2016)

Very good series.
abookishbutterfly @EadieB I hadn‘t meant to hit post yet. Maybe I‘ll try to finish Then She Was Gone. I was over 50% into it and the supposed twists revelations I did encounter had been ones I thought were very obvious and it made it really hard for me to enjoy the book. But if there is really a jaw dropper at the end of the book, that might change my opinion. 5y
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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I was not prepared for how emotional this book turned out to be! The subject matter was pretty heavy and I didn‘t expect that going into a YA. It was everything that I love in good YA. The writing was great, the dialogue was well written and wasn‘t too cheesy. It‘s the kind of book that can resonate with all age groups and it has a great message of being kind and not judging others because we don‘t know what others are going through.

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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Letters to the Lost was a beautiful story that required time to pause, reflect, and wipe my leaking eyes. I am looking forward to continuing with Rev‘s story, a side character in this book who gets his own tale told in More Than We Can Tell.

Full review here: https://www.facebook.com/262384764521804/posts/356339908459622?sfns=mo

Or follow me on Goodreads. Link in profile.

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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I didn‘t think I would like this very much but it was good and there were twists in it that i didn‘t expect. I love all of the character and their backgrounds, and the way that they are all linked together.

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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer

“You can‘t make your own path with your eyes closed”

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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“If I can‘t blame fate then who else is left?”

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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This young adult novel portrayed the isolation and yearning for belonging teens experience in high school while taking on tough topics like death, suicide, substance abuse, dysfunctional families, and more. It moved along quickly and was hard to put down. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ from me.


Book 227/265 8/15/19

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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Yet another reminder why Brigid Kemmerer is an autoread author for me. Her characters are three dimensional, endearing, and thought provoking. Declan Murphy, who on the surface appears combative and angry, really just wants to, needs to be seen. Her adult characters are a wake up call to adults. While there are bad adults, there are also adults we can look up to and be proud.

BooknerdsLife I love the tagged book! 💙 5y
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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I absolutely adored this book. It was an addicting read. It was not your normal teen romance and I think I love it more because of that.
Dont get me wrong, I am a huge romance fan.
But there is something so innocent and refreshing for two characters to fall for each other without the usual kissing/touching/close proximity stuff going on.
I highly recommend this book for your next TBR!

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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This has, hands down, been my favorite book I have read this summer. It‘s raw and real and “right in the feels.” I loved it and HIGHLY recommend it. ❤️
📸: http://starryeyedrevue.blogspot.com/
#summer #summerreading #summerreads #librarybooks #pick

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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Juliet always writes letters to her mother. Even after her mother's death, she leaves letters at her grave.
Declan isn't the sort of guy you want to cross. In the midst of his court-ordered community service at the local cemetery, he's trying to escape his demons.
When Declan reads a letter left beside a grave, he can't resist writing back. Soon, he's opening up to a perfect stranger, and their connection is immediate.
#lostandlonely #jazzyjune

BookwormM Sounds intriguing 5y
Eggs Ooo good choice! I read this 2 years ago 5y
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer

If I can‘t blame fate, who else is left?

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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It‘s incredibly rare when a book makes me cry, but damn this book made me feel so many emotions. This was a quick read for me, but it was great nonetheless. I will absolutely be reading the sequel that takes place in the same universe.

🚨Be aware that there are mentions of abuse, alcoholism, self-harm and suicide.

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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I loved the way the book demonstrates how our view of others can hinder our associations with them. If somebody makes a mistake, does that make them an awful person forever. On the off chance that somebody is reclusive does that mean they are cold or uninterested, maybe they are just hurting inside. I enjoyed this book. Shows how we can be judgmental to others and to ourselves.

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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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"When everything goes to hell around you, the only way to go is forward."

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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I absolutely loved this book!! It's such a cute story!

MandaMT I picked this up a while back and haven‘t read it yet. Glad to hear it‘s good! 5y
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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Wow! Just wow! This is an awesome book!!! Can not remember when was the last time I finished a book in one setting, but once I started, I could not put it down!!! 😍😍😍
Also: #BaconIsMeatCandy❣and I forgot how much I love #Invictus

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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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Starting on our 4th #ReadingWithFriends book for 2019.

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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My current favorite YA contemporary! Got my hardbound copy from Big Bad Wolf Book Sale held here in Manila last Feb 22-March 4. I bought this for only PhP 230 (less than $4.5)!!!! WHAT A STEAL, right?

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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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“Sometimes you get to a point where it hurts too much, and you‘ll do anything to get rid of the pain. Even if it means doing something that hurts someone else.” -Declan Murphy

📸: picsart

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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Two teens find each through letters. Juliet, who has recently lost her mother in a car accident, leaves her mom a letter on headstone. When lonely, brooding Declan responds to her , a strange but comforting exchange brings two lost souls solace. What happens when they realize who they really are? Compelling romantic story.

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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer

Surprisingly potent & deep exploration of grief and what it does to us, how it can affect you in so many ways, some you don‘t like and some you don‘t even realize. I liked how the author handled the main characters‘ journeys - they both felt very believable to me and even when they behaved badly, you understood why. I was also really glad that a possible twist ended up NOT being true. Picked this up thx to Merphy Napier on YT & glad I did. 4/5 ⭐️

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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It me.

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer

We‘re all united by grief, and somehow divided by the same thing.

Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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In the mood for some emotional YA contemporary... #nowreading

megnews Ooh sounds good. Stacked 6y
alisonrose @megnews 👍🏻 it‘s really good so far! 6y
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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Letters to the Lost | Brigid Kemmerer
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#adventrecommends Day 2
One of my favorite reads this year. It's mesmerizing and heartbreaking. Uniquely written. About loss, love, and the pain we hold within.
#ya #youngadult

KirstieE I LOVED this when I read it last year! Been meaning to have a re read of it ❤️❤️ 6y
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