Diary of loss, love, friendship and pain of growing up.
Current read....sold as soon as I discovered it is written in verse.
So charming and lovely and reminded me of being an angsty teen obsessed with boys liking me... only a contemporary version that includes contemporary issues. And I love the poetic style and structure the author uses. ❤️❤️❤️
❤️❤️❤️ So relatable. That was me at 14 too. That was me at 38. Somewhere around 41 I realized it‘s not my fucking job to charm you.
Done in verse, this love story is fresh and real 💕💕
Adorable little YA book written in poem form. I loved it. Quick easy read good for girls.
GIRLS DON'T NEED GUYS TO LOVE THEM TO LOVE THEMSELVES! The rep in this book just kinda made me sad because she should love her for her not because Blake loved her at the end. Being overweight does not mean you get to hate who you are. I love me for me and it has nothing to do with a guy. Give a girl some confidence that has nothing to do with men. 15 year olds deserve more than this. Also therapy isn't the bad guy here.
November Wrap Up - I would say time well spent in the fall. #bookstagram #books #queerbooks #read #reading #youngadult #yabooks #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookworm #bookstack #bookphotography #bookporn #bookhaul #livelaughbooksnovember #bpc
Written in verse it takes on an interesting tale about friendship and self esteem. But I felt like it took on too much in this book and didn't really focus as much as I hoped. There were also aspects to the story that I felt were unfair to some of the characters and didn't quite give them a full range of emotions. Not bad but have some problems with the writing.
Ah. the font poem... and the font fight! Not a spoiler just an exclamation of appreciation. This book was a pleasant surprise. I enjoyed the characters and appreciated their struggles. When you can find your sorta adult self relating to teenage angst, you know a book was written well.
Always glad to see Noelle Stevenson's art in the course of my work!
I love that this book is written in verse! I read it in about 2-3 hours. Even though I'm almost 30 and the main character is just 16, she was completely relatable. If you've ever tried online dating, you'll relate to this teen book.
I love that this book is written in verse. I'm 1/3 of the way in and I don't want to put it down yet.
Didn't realize it was in verse/text so that's interesting! The cover though: so nice to see a fat girl rendered nicely, even if it's not face on (we only get so much)