Book mail. A recommended book by my friend in America. Got to love dinosaurs ay
Book mail. A recommended book by my friend in America. Got to love dinosaurs ay
A quick little dinosaur fix…
…about the narration
- Megan Gallagher…was fine but the special effects and sound editing is where this shined.
1. This one is always hard for me. I love ALL animals, including prehistoric ones, but I always come back to the adorably indestructible water bear aka tardigrade.
2. These little guys can survive boiling water, arctic ice, 30 days without water AND freaking SPACE!
The best source for crazy animal facts: https://youtu.be/pLyLErufrVs
3. Tagged! It‘s told from the perspective of a Utahraptor! 😍
Finished up this beauty tonight, so I get to start a new book on the plane tomorrow! Exciting, but so stressful to choose what to take with me!! 📕🤔✈️
It's raining today so I am taking cover in the late Cretaceous with my steeped tea. 😌🐲☔️ #booklove #rainydays #tea
Once again I have forgotten my current book at home. Ah well, I picked this one up and I can't wait to get into it. It's a story written from the perspective of a female raptor and I'm loving it so far! 🐉🌿#dinosaur #dinosaurbooks #plantsandbooks
I thought #alliterativetitles was going to be harder than it was. Saw @sprainedbrain and realized I left out Pride and Prejudice AND The Two Towers! #marchintoreading
12-year-old me thought Raptor Red was the second coolest book on the planet after Jurassic Park. #17booklove @jess.how #redbooks