This was a beautiful book pure escapism. It‘s the first book I have read by Paige toon and I was captivated with it from the first to the last page.
This was a beautiful book pure escapism. It‘s the first book I have read by Paige toon and I was captivated with it from the first to the last page.
Completely loved this book! I fell in love with the characters from the very first page. It moves quickly but not to quickly. I loved the fact that it was realistic and modern. I laughed, cried and raged. Another Paige Toon classic!
Books by #PaigeToon are perfect #holiday reads ... 📚☀️
This was one of the best books I had read in a long time and it came at such a good time for me. Bridget is such a likeable character, I want to be her best friend. She is ballsy, kind and clumsy. This book just shows you that life can take unexpected turns and love doesn't always happen once and only when you are young. After reading this on holiday, I came home realising that I should stop wishing my life away!
I'm currently on holiday in Lanzarote, and spent yesterday morning reading this and drinking cocktails. What a perfect way to start the day 🌞
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I'm currently reading this and loving it
Mum was out at the supermarket and bought me a little treat! How lovely! She's the one who taught and encouraged me to read as we spent a lot of my childhood in the hospital. It's not my usual thing but I'm happy to give it a go 😊 I love my Mum ❤️
11 books later and this is one of her best! Equally hilarious and heartbreaking I dare you not to fall in love with Charlie...