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✍️ Arnold Lobel
📺 Lie to Me
🎸 Love Fame Tragedy
🎶 Love Me to Death by Garden
#ManicMonday #LetterL
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✍️ Arnold Lobel
📺 Lie to Me
🎸 Love Fame Tragedy
🎶 Love Me to Death by Garden
#ManicMonday #LetterL
Finally finished after 4 years on and off in library purgatory. The thing I have noticed about books finished after a long time from starting them is I always finish them when I need them the most. Loved it. #20in4 #BookSpinBingo
Sorry I went kind of AWOL last week. I had a really overwhelming work week and just didn‘t have it in me to read much the rest of the week. Thanks again to everyone who joined me for #33by33 And while I didn‘t complete as many as I wanted to for #NovelNovember I did make a considerable dent in a few of my chunkster books. So that‘s a win. Today is a new day. Going to try to finish out the month strong no matter what.
From surprise layoffs to surprise divorces, many of us feel as if we‘re starting at square one more often then we‘d like. It‘s okay to take solace in this. Shows shutter. People leave. Life is about beginning again, for everyone.
Courage is what you get after trying the thing you thought you‘d royally suck at, and learning afterward that you only suck at it a little bit. #33by33
“Nice is the little black dress of adulthood.”
This is not at all my usual thing but I snagged an ARC at BEA a couple of years ago...it‘s been sitting in my TBR stacks for awhile. This book distills what Federle learned while working in the “showbiz trenches” into 50 lessons about how to live your best life. The book, relentlessly upbeat throughout, was most interesting when Federle offered glimpses of his life & work. Not bad but not memorable. The TBR pile is shrinking—this is 23/50!
Stop asking for permission. If you can envision a destination for yourself, that‘s more important than the path you take to get there.
Maybe it‘s times to start letting fortune cookies guide my life. 🎟 #ThisRemindsMeOf
At the Library
Me: I‘m only going to pick up my holds. No browsing!
Also me: Look how shiny this one is! 🤩
*proceeds to pet book* #storyofmylife
Guys, I have found the most delightful self-help book ever. I'm not even sure if it's even considered a self-help book, but it feels like that to me and I'm running with it. This is basically 50 tips on how to life your best life, sprinkled with Tim Federle's own anecdotes from his theatre-filled life. The most delightful thing!
Hear ye, hear ye! Get thee to @CrowCAH 's profile and get the deets for this month's #melodiousmusicals photo challenge! (And try to ignore how spilling water on my #bujo really made a mess of this page!)
[Edit: I made a Spotify playlist for myself if anyone else wants to get it on that: https://open.spotify.com/user/1245519151/playlist/2f4kmMQ83JzBxsNFw3Lt5x ]
This book is pretty much exactly what I need right now.
"And once you've seen the world, you can't stay home."
Got to meet the author "Tequila Mockingbird" and "Gone With the Gin" ???????!!!!! A big fan of such books, if you couldn't tell from my reviews ???. Nice guy too! #BookCon17
The two books I brought home from work yesterday...