Similar to Chocolat in its mild magical realism, but in my opinion not quite as successful. The pacing is such that it took too long before Jay became a sympathetic character. But it picked up at the end, and was good for a lazy Sunday. #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks
About to read my #Bookspin choice in our new vacation spot - the backyard. Since we can‘t go anywhere for our anniversary we bought new outdoor furniture. @TheAromaofBooks
Finally catching up on reviews from the last couple of months - I‘ll be back to my normal erratic posting v soon!
I like Joanne Harris. I don‘t know why I haven‘t read more of her books. I was never quite sure where the story was going, I loved the atmosphere, the smells, the flavours, the gardens... And the 1970s parts felt SO 1970s!
Thank you for sending me this @kathedron - I really enjoyed it, & will make an effort to find more by JH.
#readingresolutions #winewednesday
I enjoy books by Joanne Harris but I've yet to read this title.
This post is probably TMI and I wasn‘t even sure I was going to write it. Is it worth telling strangers about your life for a chance at a couple more books? But it‘s not about the books...
For the last decade, I‘ve been in a really dark place. I‘ve never been in what I would consider a really good place, but this time around...I basically stopped living.
(Continued in the comments...)
📷: Google Images
Kate, thank you SO much! A house-moving care package, as my first 'real' (not-utility-related) post in my new home!
I read Coastliners years ago, and loved it, but for some reason haven't read anything else by Joanne Harris (apart from her tweets). It's exactly what I needed this morning. Thank you 😘
This week I was in the mood for something that didn't demand much of me but was well-written and not "fluff". I think I made a good choice! I'm not a wine drinker but I enjoyed how characterful the wines became in her hands; I love how she shares her sheer sensuous joy of things. (And she's got me wanting to "do something" with my tiny neglected veg plot!) For lovers of Chocolat, a couple of familiar characters feature here, too.
Day 4: #7days7bookcovers Post a book cover you love. No explanation, no information about the book. I'm horrible at tagging people to participate in challenges. So consider yourself tagged if you want to play along.
#ReadingResolutions @Jess7
Since I don't have wine in the house, this'll have to do for #wineandbook.
I read this a very long time ago, shortly after Chocolat.
Today's #libraryhaul
Ted and Sylvia are the ones I'd reserved and were waiting for me to collect them. The two by Joanne Harris were on the sale shelf: 50p each. Well, I couldn't just leave them there, could I?
"Magia quotidiana...La trasformazione di una sostanza di base in quella dei desideri. Alchimia dei profani." #vinopatateemelerosse #lespeciali
Sono innamorata di questo romanzo! Apri una bottiglia del tuo vino preferito, versane un calice ed immergiti in queste pagine! ..."il vino parla. Lo sanno tutti..."
"Even though he knew it was a hallucination Jay felt the old familiar anger lock into place again. Jay could barely remember a time when he wasn't angry at someone. His parents. His school. Himself. And most of all, there was Joe; Joe who had vanished one day without warning or reason..." So good!