You are the milk to my shake. 😉
Really wish I'd liked this more, but it reminded me too much of other books I've read, and the characters got on my nerves.
Full review of #ThisIsWhereTheWorldEnds is now up on my blog!
2.25 Stars ⭐️ Did not enjoy reading this one!
Good writing and a non-linear storytelling style, which is totally my jam. However the emotional resolutions felt rushed and didn't really work for me. It dealt with important themes, and if I was less aware of the issues already I think I would have found them more powerful. I'm older than the intended audience though, and I think it might have been more impactful if the concepts were newer to me. (Staying vague to avoid spoilers.)
One library hold and one selection from the Lucky Day shelf. This Is Where the World Ends was a surprise spontaneous pick - aside from vaguely feeling like I've seen the cover before I don't know anything about it. Intriguing blurb, though.
A moving story about grief and how people deal with it.
"Fear no more." - #ThisIsWhereTheWorldEnds by @Amyzhangbooks
I can‘t see the world in numbers. I just can‘t. When I look around, I see colors smells motions beginnings. I see sky and wind and hope like birds and art like fire and every desperate wish ever made.
I was so excited about this book when I first picked it up and I think the story as a whole was a great idea but personally, I didn't like the setup of the book. Too many questions left unanswered for me and the back and forth between past and present was daunting and confusing at times.
I need to read this so soon so as Falling into Place because Amy Zhang is coming to the Philippines to sign books!! * excited * Any thoughts about the book? What's your rating on goodreads?
I'm only half-way through. This is a blend of Paper Towns, Gone Girl, and Looking for Alaska. I'm reading this on a shuttle taking me to (not kidding) Mall of America 😂
2.5 🌟 This book isn't bad, but it's forgettable and mediocre. I liked the alternating voices and the illustrations. The plot was predictable. I wasn't overly attached to the characters either. Overall just meh. 😕
I was obsessed with Amy's last book, FALLING INTO PLACE, bc she writes broken and devastating characters in this beautiful, lyrical prose. This is no different. And it made me cry on the subway.