This trilogy. It's so full of scandals, backstabbing, and crazy rich spendings. I'm going to miss it!
#KevinKwan #CrazyRichAsians #ChinaRichGirlfriend #RichPeopleProblems
This trilogy. It's so full of scandals, backstabbing, and crazy rich spendings. I'm going to miss it!
#KevinKwan #CrazyRichAsians #ChinaRichGirlfriend #RichPeopleProblems
#AnEmberInTheAshes was so fucking good!!!! Must read #ATorchAgainstTheNight ASAP!!!! #SabaaTahir
Oreos. Awkwardly cute main character. Pop culture references (Harry Potter & Doctor Who). Did I mention Oreos? #SimonVs #Simonvsthehomosapiensagenda #beckyalbertalli
A sweet and cute love story!!! So excited for the next one!!! Can't wait for Natasha and Jackson's story!!! #NoHoldingBack #KateEvangelista
"People could not get enough of what they had lost, even if they no longer wanted it" - #MegWolitzer, #TheInterestings
"Fear no more." - #ThisIsWhereTheWorldEnds by @Amyzhangbooks
Almost too much for this small frame.
You make me part of the sky."
- #AnatomyOfAMisfit by #AndreaPortes
"Remember the sky." - #FallingIntoPlace by @Amyzhangbooks
#book #books #bookph #bookish #bookgeek #booklove #booknerd #bookporn #bookworm #bookfreak #booklover #bookswoon #bookaddict #bookaholic #bookshimmy #bibliophile #bookstagram #booknerdigans #igreads #instabooks #yareads #epicreads #goodreads #yalovin #welovetoreadatnbs #instabook #AmyZhang
I loved #BeGoodBeRealBeCrazy! I am so happy that I won this book! At first, I thought it is just another road trip book but it is more than that. All the characters here are adorable especially, Einstein and Sid. The way that the person's past or significant moment was told is very unique. The diversity in this book. Overall, I totally enjoyed reading #BGBRBC. TYSM National Bookstore & @EpicReads for the giveaway last MIBF 2016!
"What could be a love so fierce, in your hands so gently trimmed. Each little cut you take with caution, a love suspended but never grown."
- #Bonsai by Michael Faudet
#book #books #bookmail #bookish #booksph #bookgeek #booklove #booknerd #bookfreak #booklover #bookaddict #bookaholic #bookjunkie #bibliophile #bookstagram #booknerdigans #quote #instabooks #literature #poem #poetry #bookgasm #dirtyprettythings #bookporn #booktography