I really appreciated this article from the author, Matthew Quirk: https://www.vox.com/first-person/2017/9/19/16327072/political-thrillers-fiction-...
Reggie I listen to Rachel Maddow everyday and keep wondering how much is enough. How many strings do you have to attach to the notion that winning the presidency was just some big, corrupt, Russian money deal for this guy before something happens. Everyday the thought, we're totally fcked, gets stronger in my head. (edited) 7y
saresmoore @Reggie Yep. Well said. 7y
Izai.Amorim @saresmoore @Reggie Well, the whole world is fckd but we don't even have a say on this because we can't vote in the US. Now, how does that feel? It sucks, man. The planet will burn because a few folks don't believe in evolution or science! Etc etc. 😩😩😩 (edited) 7y
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saresmoore @Izai.Amorim Ain't that the truth. I don't know which is worse, the self-deluded narcissism of our as(s)inine "President" or the ostrich-like ignorance of the proud and aspirational few who are in turns burying their talents and digging for gold as the nuclear apocalypse is being expedited. I cry myself to sleep at night. 7y
LauraBeth @Reggie, @izai.amorim, @saresmoore Lawrence O‘Donnell is my “sleep” show - meaning that I fall asleep to it every night and pretty much every day at 3 am, I wake up in a sweaty fright thinking about the state of everything 🙀 I think he is the biggest threat to our country right now - above North Korea. He is 🦇💩 bonkers. 7y
saresmoore @LauraBeth I fall asleep reading happy British novels to reduce the aforementioned crying. I wake up at 1am the same way as you... 😞 7y
LauraBeth I‘m going to try falling asleep tonight to L.M. Montgomery and see if that works 7y
saresmoore @LauraBeth That's a very good idea. She's gotten me through some tough times. 7y
Suet624 I think political activism is the only way to deal with all of this. Start getting candidates elected who can counter those we have in office now. 7y
saresmoore @Suet624 Yes and amen. 7y
Izai.Amorim @LauraBeth @saresmoore @Reggie @Suet624 At least you can get politically active and do something. We abroad can't, are powerless, can only watch in bewilderment this great country falling apart and taking us down along the way. In my optimistic times I try to see the Trump regime as an accelerator, fast forwarding stuff that was going to happen in the USA anyway, 40 years in 4. The quicker it hits bottom, the sooner you can start over. 7y
saresmoore @Izai.Amorim I can only imagine! This accelerator view is shared by a Swiss friend of mine. Within the country, I certainly do hope that the current presidency will usher in the breakdown of our dichotomizing two-party system. And internationally, I would argue that the myth of U.S. hegemony is at least being debunked. It‘s unfortunate, though, that the timeline for positive implications is still much longer than that for potential catastrophe. 7y
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