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Pirate Women
Pirate Women: The Princesses, Prostitutes, and Privateers Who Ruled the Seven Seas | Laura Duncombe
44 posts | 14 read | 110 to read
In the first-ever comprehensive survey of the world's female buccaneers, Pirate Women: The Princesses, Prostitutes, and Privateers Who Ruled the Seven Seas tells of the women, both real and legendary, who through the ages sailed alongsideand sometimes in command oftheir male counterparts. These women came from all walks of life but had one thing in common: a desire for freedom. History has largely ignored these female swashbucklers, until now. Here are their stories, from ancient Norse warriors like Awilda, Stikla, and Rusla; to Sayyida al-Hurra of the Barbary corsairs; from Grace O'Malley, who terrorized shipping operations around the British Isles during the reign of Queen Elizabeth; to Cheng I Sao, who commanded a fleet of 400 ships off China in the early 19th century.Author Laura Sook Duncombe also looks beyond the stories to the storytellers and mythmakers. What biases and agendas motivated them? What did they leave out? Pirate Women explores why and how these stories are told and passed down and how history changes depending on who is recording it. It's the largest overview of women pirates in one volume and chock-full of swashbuckling adventures. In this book, pirate women are pulled from the shadows into the spotlight that they deserve.
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1. Little Maggie as a TCU cheerleader (I insisted on purple hair)
2. A *few* years later. I loved this costume-I felt really pretty in it, even though the pants were essentially yoga pants. Unfortunately, this was my wild-girl era, and I realize now, 15 years later, that some of the pictures aren‘t nearly as cute as I thought they were then, so…head shot only.
3. Homemade potion bottles I made a few years ago.


Eggs Sweet pix💗💗 and the bottles are stunning ! Well done👏🏻👏🏻 8mo
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I was on board with this book (pun not intended) when it was taking about historical women pirates but all of a sudden it was discussing the suffragist movement, Chinese government unrest, human trafficking, women‘s representation in movies, etc. It just felt like it was two (maybe three) separate books that needed to be split up and cleaned up.

HrJust Agreed! 😁 3y
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#IfYouLikeThisMovie #Seven

Then you might like to read these seven pirate romance books! 🏴‍☠️❤️

Klou Cleverly done 4y
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All the books I‘ve bought since January. It‘s been a slow start to my reading year. Still need to get through the women pirate book!
I‘ve enjoyed the adventures so far and am looking forward to the next ones 👻

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My current read! I‘m in a kickass women of history mood this month 💪🏻

readordierachel Oh, this sounds good! 5y
Branwen This looks amazing! 😍 @CrowCAH have you seen this?! 💕📚 5y
CrowCAH Nice! Yes, @Chrissyreadit gifted me this book in a swap. Haven‘t gotten to reading it yet, but it looks amazing! 5y
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Current listen

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#RedRoseSeptember #SevenSeas

Thanks to @Chrissyreadit and the maker swap I own this book!

Though there might be 7 “C”s, there‘s only one AAAAR!

Cinfhen Great cover 💚 5y
Chrissyreadit 👏😆🥰 5y
arlenefinnigan 😂 Perfect 5y
mabell Nice! 😂😂 5y
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Wanted to love this book. I really did. But for the first time this year I‘m bailing. I can‘t stand the author. Even when I agree with her, I find her condescending. and I came for pirates, not long history lessons on wars, harems and the church.
#mbcreadathon #MBCfrogsread4

elyseh Entered! 5y
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Thank you so much @Chrissyreadit for the wonderful package! Your first mug-caddy is gorgeous; I ☠️ the skull and crossed bones charm 😊 I can‘t wait to make the mini leather books and the Mandalas! Also, now, I must read these books; they‘ve been on my TBR, but with a physical copy it‘s motivation in hand!

Thank you thank you 😘

Crazeedi Awesome gifts!!❤❤ 5y
Chrissyreadit Just FYI- it‘s not real leather- (I‘m vegan)- just a faux but seemed fun! 5y
LibrarianRyan That is awesome. Your machine work looks lovely @Chrissyreadit 5y
Chrissyreadit @LibrarianRyan thanks! I really liked the material too- this was hard because I know people have different taste with patterns and colors but I figured if I added a ☠️ it would work! 5y
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This is a nonfiction look at female pirates throughout history. I loved learning about the incredibly strong women who overcame everything from being sold in marriage to rape & became sea-faring warriors instead. Grace O'Malley was one of my favorites & I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when she met Queen Elizabeth. The author gets side tracked at times, discussing films & the slant that male historians have give to these women's stories.

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This is somewhat disappointing. ☹️

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I sure wanted to like this book more than I did - perhaps because I was looking for history and I got s lot of info about pirate fiction instead? And a lot of info about how most pirate stories are fictional? The cultural critique was good to great in the Hollywood portion; some of the actual history was interesting. Surprisingly meh overall. #history2K19

Weaponxgirl That‘s a shame, I‘ve been interested in this book for the same reasons you were. 5y
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Oh, VIRGIL. You schmuck. #pirates

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“Spartan women were not confined to the home as much as their Athenian sisters. Chastity was not held as sacred to a Spartan woman as it was to an Athenian, and so women were not forced to stay indoors in the women‘s quarters of the house. Their short tunics led other city-states to derisively call them ‘thigh-showers.‘” OK WE‘VE ALL BEEN FED A PACK OF LIES ABOUT ATHENS. #library #pirates #history

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Ready to start this as my first #history book of 2019! #pirates

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“This most presumptuous dame thought it pleasanter to rule without her husband than to share the throne with him.” - Saxo Grammaticus on Ladgerda. Girl, I feel you.

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#XMarksTheSpot makes me think of pirates. I used to have a slight obsession with pirates, going as far as Halloween costumes & themed birthdays. I took a college writing class on pirates and read Cordingly‘s book on pirate history, which deconstructs some myths & exposes realities of pirates. Pirate Women is on my #TBR. I‘m even more fascinated by women pirates than male. I wrote my final paper in that class on female pirates #uncannyoctober

RealLifeReading Ooh a class on pirates? Fun! 7y
Brie @RealLifeReading It was one of my favorite classes! 7y
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At home sick today. That means books and food. And Netflix too.

Mommamanzi Feel better but enjoy books and Netflix! 7y
[DELETED] 206653737 Hope you feel better! 7y
ErikasMindfulShelf Feel better 💕 7y
Jas16 Hope you get well soon 7y
WhatDeeReads @Mommamanzi @bookish22 @irre @Jas16 Thank you for the well wishes. Doing better. 7y
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I really enjoyed this history of female pirates from a non-scholar; it provides brief overviews in a playful way (& also further reading at the back). It also makes no bones about the biased sources these tales come from and the impact this has made on foreign people's/ women's history. If you want to hear some history you've probably never heard of before, give it a go!

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So this is what Sayyida al-Hurra started at age 30...so, I'm good, right- I can still gather a naval force and be a "true rival"?
Ok, maybe not that but at least I can take heart that 30 is a good age to embark (see what I did there?) on a new adventure!

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I enjoyed this audiobook for the most part. The women described were interesting and represented a wide range of situations. However, once in while I felt the author got a bit too far off topic when providing context or explaining why there isn't more factual information about a specific woman. I also felt the last chapter about female pirates in movies was unnecessary.

#audiobook #nonfiction #Hoopla

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This is how you do revenge!

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*shakes head at Saxo Grammaticus* yeeeeea she just wanted sole rule not, you know, revenge for being raped at least 3 times...

llwheeler Ugh. Also i wanna know what the original (i presume Latin? If quoted text is Gesta Danorum?) for "most presumptuous dame" was 7y
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And it always comes back to Classics 😊
I enjoy these bite-sized, flavourful re-summaries.


I loved the idea of this book and of examining the biases of people telling the pirate women's stories. I wish this book were longer, because we need more stories and facts about pirate women. But I also wish this book were shorter, because some of the digressions were of no interest to me and the last chapter felt a bit like padding. Not amazing but not terrible either.

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This book gathers together stories of real and legendary pirate women from Europe, North America and Asia. It also talks about cultural biases in telling the women's stories.
#anditsaugust day 16: diversity

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Headed out the door for my first day of school! I teach middle school and our mascot is Pirates, so this seemed a fitting audiobook to start the year.

#audiobook #Hoopla

Libby1 Happy first day of school! I hope you have a great year full of lovely experiences. 7y
Jinjer I hope the kids are angels & go easy on you! 7y
Cinfhen 🤞🏼🤞🏼 7y
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LauraBeth Hope you have a great school year! 7y
Lmstraubie Have a wonderful start to the year! 7y
bookwrm526 Hope you had a great first day!! 7y
Daisey @Libby1 @Jinjer @Cinfhen @LauraBeth @Lmstraubie @bookwrm526 Thank you all so much! It was a great day to start the year! I'm going to miss having all the 8th graders this year, but looking forward to some more quality time getting to know the 6th graders better. 7y
Jinjer I was much more of an obnoxious pill in 8th grade than 6th.😬 7y
Daisey @Jinjer Lol, some of the 8th graders are, but I've also gotten used to how much more self-sufficient and independent most of the 8th graders are compared to 6th graders rotating classes for the first time. 7y
Bookworm83 I hope your first week went well! 6th grade is my favorite grade to teach 😀 I've never taught 8th, but they kind of scare me a bit 😉 7y
Daisey @Bookworm83 My first week was good! The idea of teaching 8th scared me a bit at first too, but I found what I loved about it. My 6th graders are pretty great too! 7y
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Fun book! Duncombe has done a lot of research to find stories of female pirates throughout the ages, spanning from the Middle Ages to the Golden Age and modern-day society. She doesn't just focus on the West either. She speaks on the problems of glorifying piracy while also looking at the legends of women pirates, what may not be true when stories were recorded by men, & how gender roles affected the lives & stories of these women. ☠️⚔️💣

emilyesears Oooooo looks awesome! 7y
Andrea4 I'm finishing A Study in Charlotte today and starting this one!!! 7y
BookishFeminist @Andrea4 Awesome! I hope you like it as much as I did. How did you like A Study in Charlotte? I've been tempted to pick that up. 7y
Andrea4 @BookishFeminist I highly recommend A Study in Charlotte if you enjoy anything Holmes & Watson (admission: i have not read any Sherlock Holmes' stories and must remedy this), a young female heroine who is complicated, and/or seeing an author deal with the topic/repercussions of rape in a very authentic and unapologetic way. 7y
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Shit. 😂 I just got an email reminding me this is due at the library tomorrow. I'm halfway done and can't renew it. I guess I know what I'll be doing the rest of the evening. 😂😂

shawnmooney Sounds a little too goody-goody - what would a pirate woman do? 😂😂 7y
BookishFeminist @shawnmooney I don't care about the due date so much as the fine 😂 7y
Shortstack Omg! I've wanted to read this. How is it? 7y
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Shortstack I've had an interest in pirates ever since our workers' compensation lawyer told us that pirates were the first to develop a workers' compensation plan for their "employees" 7y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack 😂😂 that's a really random factoid about pirates. But you'd like this! It's super feminist in its approach. 7y
Dorianna @Shortstack I'm going by memory and can't remember my source but I'm pretty sure Captain Henry Morgan had one of the first health insurance systems in recorded history. His crew were guaranteed benefits for being injured during battle. If I remember right being blinded got the most compensation. I wish I could find where I read that now. Maybe it was in one of my pirate history books. 7y
Shortstack @BookishFeminist Well considering my occupation it's not so odd that I'd know that. 7y
Shortstack @Dorianna I've seen them being the founders of workers' compensation from multiple sources since first hearing it. Not only did you get different amounts for different types of injuries (true to permanent partial disability under w/c) but they had an accommodation program hiring injured workers for simpler tasks on the ship. Very cool. 7y
BookishFeminist @Dorianna @Shortstack Never in my wildest dreams did I think sharing a book about women pirates would lead to a discussion on workers comp and health insurance. I love you guys. ?? also "one of my pirate history books" @Dorianna? Which ones do you have, and which ones should I read?! 7y
Soubhiville What a vey cool discussion! 7y
Jgotham This looks great, how is it? 7y
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This one is on my TBR. It has very mixed reviews on Goodreads, but I'm still curious about it. #SizzlinSummerBooks #pirates

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You have my attention! Looking forward to this one.

DGRachel On my TBR. I'll be watching for your review! 7y
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Late night dinner to keep me going for readathoning! Reading all day is exhausting. 😂 This book is so badass so far! It weaves feminist theory and mythology in with tales of female pirates. ☠️ #24in48

silentrequiem Oooooh. Stacked! 7y
Jinjer My god that food looks good! 7y
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lmaooo #readathon fail.

I was going to give my eyes a break and color while listening to this audiobook but a thunderstorm made our power go out the second I sat down. ⛈💀


Clare-Dragonfly Oh no! At least thunderstorms are good for reading in... as long as you have light! 7y
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Up next: lady pirates. I'm listening to this on Hoopla and grabbed the print from the library because 1) I'm in love with this cover, 2) I want to pull quotes about badassery. ⚔️👱🏾‍♀️☠️

charminggoats 😍 That sounds amazing! 7y
Andrea4 Aaaaaawesome! 7y
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Me and the boss lady gearing up for the Little Scallywags Pirate Walk. Don't mind our mess, we're also gearing up for a renovation in the children's department in less than two weeks.

#childrenslibrarians #pirates #piratewomen #billybowlegs #downtownfwb

Megabooks Looks fun! 7y
EchoLogical @Booksandcooks More exhausting than anything but the kiddos had fun. We made pirate maps and hats and handed out lots of loot (of the sugary persuasion)! 7y
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Forgive the duplication, but I forgot I was supposed to be saving this book for today. It's just too perfect for #femalepirates to waste.

#pirateslife #whatawaytolive

Reggie This American Life spotlighted this book on a segment last week because the most successful pirate of all time was a woman. She was Chinese and terrorized the seas back in the early 1800's. It was pretty amazing. (edited) 7y
DGRachel @Reggie Cool! I still haven't read it, yet, but I hope to get to it soon. 7y
Bookworm-Bobbie Amazing! Stacked 😆 7y
LeahBergen It sounds really good! 7y
CrowCAH You remembered! 😊 Great choice for today's prompt!!! 7y
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CrowCAH Woohoo wenchy female pirates! 😉 Keep this book in mind for day 24-female pirates! 7y
DGRachel @CrowCAH Dang it! I knew I was supposed to be saving this for another day!! 7y
mabell Great job! It looks like it would work for both! I couldn't come up with anything for today. 😕But there is always tomorrow! 7y
CrowCAH @mabell -Scarlet O'Hara! 7y
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This arrived today. Whahooo! ☠️

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Starting my #ListyPartyofOne very late. Got my new pirate book. Got my ginger beer. A superb end to a pretty shitastic week.

Bibliogeekery That book looks awesome. Sorry your week was rough. ❤️ 7y
moranadatter What was with last week? So many of us had awful weeks. Here's hoping you have a fantastic weekend and next week is infinitely better! 7y
Jas16 Hope next week is better. 7y
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WhatDeeReads @Bibliogeekery It is awesome. Only non-fiction I've read this year. 7y
WhatDeeReads @moranadatter Ugh. It's mostly working and commuting that has me on edge. Weekend is looking great. We'll see about next week. Did you change your handle? 7y
WhatDeeReads @Jas16 Thank you. I'm hoping. I think part of the problem is the weather and it seems to finally be warming up here so... 7y
moranadatter @Lucky_LaDee I did. I'm trying to get the same name across social media platforms before I start my new blog. We had final interviews for my boss's successor this week so longer hours, a backlog of work and lots of stress. 7y
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Had the absolute pleasure of attending a signing and reading with the charming and delightful Laura Duncombe this evening. I am pushing everything else aside to read her book now.

readinginthedark I want to read it just looking at this picture! What a great expression! 😆 7y
WhatDeeReads @readinginthedark Yeah. She was fantastic. Her book is very interesting. 7y
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