#IfYouLikeThisMovie #Contagion
Then this pirate book about “criminals” will rescue you from hours of boredom!
Thank you @Klou for hosting this movie challenge this month!
#IfYouLikeThisMovie #Contagion
Then this pirate book about “criminals” will rescue you from hours of boredom!
Thank you @Klou for hosting this movie challenge this month!
#IfYouLikeThisMovie #Up
Then you‘ll like this sentimental tale of a “Scout” helping an older friend come down from the porch .
#IfYouLikeThisMovie #DieHard
Then you‘ll enjoy this action packed book of cross upon double cross and big fiery explosions of a type of vehicle in the book - a wooden ship!
(Realized I skipped this movie)
#IfYouLikeThisMovie #Inception
Then you‘ll like this book where the the female stowaways on a pirate ship and meets the man of her dreams, planting the idea that she‘s the woman for him!
#IfYouLikeThisMovie #Gladiator
Then you‘ll enjoy this non-fiction book about how the sword 🗡 becomes a weapon of choice-from gladiators to pirates!
BTW, the score to Gladiator by Hans Zimmer is amazing! 👂🏻 🎶
#IfYouLikeThisMovie #Avatar
Then you might like this chose your own adventure set in the world of Jane Austen‘s six novels!
#IfYouLikeThisMovie #LoveActually
Then you‘ll fall in love with this Christmas Miracle Express story set in London!
#IfYouLikeThisMovie #GroundhogDay
Then you‘ll like this retelling of the 12 Dancing Princesses, where they have to dance every night. Can the curse be broken?
#IfYouLikeThisMovie #WestSideStory
Then you‘ll appreciate the original material, the play by Shakespeare!
(Took the easy out, couldn‘t think of a book I‘ve read that fit)