Any guesses before I open it?!
Any guesses before I open it?!
I was in Kansas City today for a doctor‘s appointment and while driving around, I stumbled upon both an Urban Library (a little free library in an old newspaper machine) and an awesome used bookstore with creaky wood floors crowded with shelves to the ceiling and a spiral staircase leading the a basement floor with more books. I can home with a nice little stack and a book-buying buzz. 😊📚
Any guesses?
Ok, this is super cute! You can subscribe to Six Books and they send you one book a month, sight unseen, covered in a uniquely made cloth cover! It's adorable!
(No idea what the tagged book is)
I'm selling at a little outdoor market today and thought it'd be fun to do a "Blind Date with a Book". They literally cannot judge a book by its cover! ?
First response--LOL. Second response--I hope they fixed their mess after they took their pic. ☺️