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Viral Airwaves
Viral Airwaves | Claudie Arseneault
3 posts | 3 read | 4 to read
Henry Schmitt wants nothing more than a quiet life and a daily ration of instant noodles. At least until he learns the terrible secret that drove his father away-the Plague that killed his mother and ravaged his country was created by those now in power. He has one chance to help expose the conspiracy: a ragtag band of rebels needs a pilot for their hot air balloon, where they can launch a broadcast revealing the truth. If Henry accepts, he can experience his dream of flight. But he would have to leave his safe, tranquil life behind ... and bring the wrath of a corrupt government upon his head.
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Viral Airwaves | Claudie Arseneault
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When Henry learns that the plague that killed his mother & drove his father away was man made by those in power, what else is he to do but team up w/ a ragtag group of rebels & dismantle the government?

A very interesting story of rebellion & hope in a vast solarpunk world. Lots of diversity & engaging characters. But very, very slow, until everything rushed to a head in the last little bit. Felt overly long, & pacing really lagged. 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑

BookmarkTavern #Roll100 @PuddleJumper CW 👇🏻 ETA I forgot! @Kenyazero #LGBTQBookBingo #LGBTQ2024 Picked by a roll of the dice (edited) 4mo
BookmarkTavern General warning for grief over parental death, police brutality, gun violence, and medical experimentation; Specific warning for Chapter 40, gunshot suicide (edited) 4mo
Leftcoastzen 😻 4mo
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AnnCrystal 💕😻💝. 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
Kenyazero Sounds interesting! 4mo
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Viral Airwaves | Claudie Arseneault
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My current read has an asexual protagonist! And all four of my #JuneOfARC books are queer! I‘ve also got the last book in the Last Binding series by Freya Marske on my nightstand waiting for me.

#SundayFunday Have a happy Pride Month! And remember to tag me in your posts!

Bookwormjillk I didn‘t think so but just remembered I have 4mo
PathfinderNicole Yes! Currently read the tagged but also have a sapphic cowgirl romance on my TBR! 4mo
mcctrish I just finished The Guncle and Clear, I‘m reading A Scatter of Light and have The Road to Dalton on deck to read. All of them are really different from each other 4mo
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Kitta Just finished Clear for #camplitsy24 and that was an unexpected #lgbt read! 4mo
Kitta I definitely need more lgbt reads for this month though, I‘m getting close to filling my #lgbtbookbingo card! (edited) 4mo
willaful By sheer luck, both my #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin books are queer. (My Lucky Star and The Great Believers.) I'm also listening to Greta and Valdin and have the Guncle Abroad to read this month. Liek @mctrish I'm buddy reading A Scatter of Light and Clear (is it queer? I don't know yet.) And just got the new Alison Cochrun, Here We Go Again, IIRC. 4mo
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Viral Airwaves | Claudie Arseneault
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VIRAL AIRWAVES by Claudie Arsenault is an engaging, character-driven solarpunk featuring an asexual protagonist and a diverse cast. It started slow but had me hooked before I'd realised it.

Full review at http://earlgreyediting.com.au/2017/02/27/viral-airwaves-by-claudie-arsenault/