Tonight‘s choice! A lovely tale of Ganesha and how he came to lose his tusk and what ensued. Sanjay Patel‘s fantastic illustrations make this a favourite. #BedTimeBooks #KidsLibrary #NightTimeRitual #ChildrensBooks
Tonight‘s choice! A lovely tale of Ganesha and how he came to lose his tusk and what ensued. Sanjay Patel‘s fantastic illustrations make this a favourite. #BedTimeBooks #KidsLibrary #NightTimeRitual #ChildrensBooks
What a great book for a diversity or multi-cultural theme! This would make a great starting book for Hinduism or Indian mythology.
Ganesha is just a regular kid - with the head of an elephant. And a love for sweets! When he bites into a jawbreaker, his tusk falls off! Ganesha is very upset and tries to fix it until realizing he can use his broken tusk like a pencil.
These were some of my favorite illustrations for a children‘s book!
Introducing the magical world of Indian mythology to my daughter.. what better way to start than this cute little book with wonderful illustrations and a simple story line?
The art work is amazing. A great kid friendly intro to Hinduism and diversity