The back cover describes this as a "tender and nostalgic work" that's a "celebration of love, art, and the Bohemian life at a time when the world was simpler and slower." Evidently "tender and nostalgic" equates to I'd-rape-her jokes sprinkled amidst tales of how Joey and Carl defraud whores and debauch underage girls and enthuse about deliberately infecting women with STDS. This was appalling. No tenderness here, just cruelty and misogyny.
Cupofjo 😬😒😶 8y
GatheringBooks that sounds awful. is his tropic of cancer series similar to this?? 8y
Joanne1 😲😲😲 8y
Heretherebedragons Grr. 8y
Grrlbrarian I only read one, @GatheringBooks - Tropic of Cancer maybe? I remember it was sexually explicit but not anything else. Read it probably 25 years ago though! 8y