A narrativa exemplar da literatura de testemunho! Brilhante!
Sorry, I don‘t know what to say. I feel I should confront this head on, but I also feel inadequate to say anything, maybe not justified. In any case, I finally read Levi. It‘s his slow personal attempt to communicate his experience, published in 1947. I‘ve ordered his next book, a sequel.
Waiting on my tires to get looked at, starting to read this one! Has anyone else read it?
#4newfavesin4days, Recently read, not an easy read but speaks to the spirit of man to survive unspeakable horrors. Thanks @tstan
As tough as the first few chapters were, I ended up finding this very interesting. Levi tried to explain his surprise (in retrospect, I think) at how he and his fellow inmates just kept going. He illustrates this well. Despite the hunger, the cold, the cruel work, the cruel people, they kept going and did not give up. Ingenuity was key to survival. #reading1001 #1001books
Up next, my last #reading1001 April read. I‘m not I can finish by the end of the month, it is as hard as I expected, and the writing style is also difficult. #1001books
This is the of Levi‘s writing I‘ve read. There were places in this memoir where the beauty of his writing was so incongruous with the horrors he had lived that it rightly left me speechless.
ââââ Um livro necessário, escrito na primeira pessoa. O autor não dramatiza mas também não encobre as atrocidades de que foi alvo.
Una fotografia della vita nei campi di concentramento in alta definizione, dettagliata in ogni piccolo particolare. Dal momento della sveglia alla notte, fino alla più profonde riflessioni sull'esistenza umana. Ho dovuto interrompere più volte la lettura.
Always amazed by how people maintain this kind of mindset after adversity.
Reading this again for class. Mentally prepping myself for all the dense emotion.
I know it's probably not the best choice of words to say that I enjoyed a Holocaust book, but I did. We can't trace back one of my ancestor's because their records were among those Hitler ordered burned. I have yet to find a Holocaust memoir that hasn't stayed with me. It's important that we keep their lessons at the front of our minds. 38/1,001 #1001Books
27 gennaio - Giorno della Memoria
🕯Per non dimenticare 🕯
#giornatadellamemoria #27gennaio #pernondimenticare #shoah #olocausto #giornodellamemoria #primolevi #latregua #sequestoèunuomo #filomenascrive
Heartbreaking storytelling of the holocaust. In this book, Primo Levi tells everything that was never told, since ways of surviving daily in the concentration camp to how things really worked there. The book is haunting, and will make you reflect about your life.
As to survival...some skill and a whole lot of serendipitous luck.
The same can be said about my own family's survival, although they were not at Auschwitz.
I meant to do yesterday's #seasonsreadings2016 prompt but things have been a little crazy around here so I'm a day late. These are books I have #notinenglish. I got rid of more when we moved from Italy.
"For the first time we realized that our language is missing the words to describe this offense, the demolition of a man."
If This is a Man: Survival in Auschwitz, written by the Jewish Italian writer Primo Levi, is a true recount of his experience as a prisoner in the most infamous concentration camp of the Holocaust. So far it has been a raw reflection not only of the monstrosities witnessed, but the effect that they have on the human psyche.
So staggering that it needed to be softened by the presence of a cat.