#nonbookrelated but just saw this and I had to share, especially with Esther @DuckOfDoom.
#nonbookrelated but just saw this and I had to share, especially with Esther @DuckOfDoom.
So although this is not exactly book related, this is my boyfriend on the best day of his life. Praying to his duck God. (I named it Earl.)
Noah, for what ever reason, absolutely adores ducks and today the worlds tallest rubber ducky came to town. It was pouring rain, but he insisted that we go to see it anyway. So here it is lol.
#earliskingduck #prayingtohisgod
There is a giant duck in the Toronto harbour
I don't have any #duckquotes ... But I did have a 60' rubber ducky outside my place today for the Festival of Sail. Just another day in #Tacoma
Day 40: Bath time tonight inspired this one
#ashsbookmarks #the100dayproject #bookmark #craft #rubberduckie #youremyonlyfriend
This is completely not book related, rather something for @DuckOfDoom