Valentine's Day book ❤️❤️
#manicmonday #letterU @CBee @The_Penniless_Author
📖 Us (Nicholls)
✒ Can't think of one immediately, but I have some Updike on my TBR
📺 University Challenge
🎤 Struggling here... Usher?
🎶 Unpretty by TLC
I also like Up Again by Rae Morris & Clean Bandit 💕
Europe trip with family and redefine relationship between spouse, father and son.
Us was very good but it will leave you feeling all hollowed out. It's heartbreaking in the most searingly mundane way.
All the characters felt real and annoyed me to varying degrees in a plethora of ways.
David Nicholls writes books that are both very emotional and very British. These two things may sound contradictory, but he pulls it off with a kind of dysfunctional harmony.
It wasn't as good as One Day though.
My favourite sentence in the book so far.
"... I had to leave early because I was injured by my soup."
I don't know how this book is going to end, but I'll be honest, at 150 pages in, I'm not rating this couple's compatibility very high.
European art tour holiday vibes from this bittersweet book so far...
I must be feeling masochistic. Do your worst, Nicholls.
(No spoilers please) 😉💙
Bookspin Bingo for December... like an advent calendar but better.
I regret choosing Us because I have only read one book by David Nicholls and it is both one of my favourite books and also one of the most heartbreaking. I'm hoping he doesn't hurt me again 😅
Also, what in the hell was I thinking when I put Rhythm of War on December's list??! I'm only 13.6% through it 😵😵😵
I always look forward to Bookspin day 😊 Thanks @TheAromaofBooks ❤
Loved this book. Love a David Nichols book. Took this with me on the West Highland Way 2015.
My third novel by this author and it‘s another winner. Douglas‘s wife wakes him up in the middle of the night to tell him that she isn‘t happy and thinks she wants to leave him. Douglas tells the story of their marriage while they travel through Europe with their 17-year-old son, Albie. This book is funny and sincere and tears were shed.
What a spectacular affectionate send up of art. Of course it's a lot more complicated than that but as a bit of a ribbing, this works so well.
This is so true about dinner parties. I never go if I can help it.
Enjoyed this book. The exploration of the life of a marriage was well done. Also some of the passages relating to the parent-child relationship were quite insightful and moving.
Stumbled across a used book store while walking to the beach. Yes, I stopped and got one more to add to the pile.
Some replenishment for my #BeachReads Display! 😁
Have you read any of these?!
#LitsyLovesLibraries #MrBooksDisplays
@Beatlefan129 was quite right. This one is good. The more I heard the more I liked it. Somewhere around the middle it lost a bit but towards the end it regained depth. Nicholls succeeds in evoking sympathy for all of the family members – the parts aren‘t clearly assigned. I liked that.
It felt strange that there was “no real conflict”. I had expected more problems that are turned over and over and over.
But the chosen approach was really clever.
The nearer I come towards the end – bit more than 2 hours to go – the more balanced the relationship problems get, I think.
At first he was wimp for me.
Then … I don‘t know …
Then I thought she was too lax for me.
But now I think most of the problems come from completely different world views that result in completely different priorities.
Might look like Campari but it‘s rosé.
I just consider that glass to be as appropriate as wineglasses since I am too exhausted to get up and get me one.
There‘s horrible loads to do in the office which results in me doing overtime and being bushed. ?
Not good for my physical book but okay for this audiobook. Therein, I only have a few more hours to go and so far I like the family portrait. Pretty authentic.
Now available for me.
I will start with it soon. After the rather puzzling experience in “The Night Circus” 🎪 I‘m looking forward to something more direct and more grounded. Something that doesn‘t pretend to be more important or “deeper” than it really is.
@Beatlefan129 Thanks to have liked one of my posts. Without that I probably never would have come across “Us”. Your review teased me 😄 – and I was lucky enough to find the audiobook at my online library. 😃
In five days it will be mine – temporarily – and I‘m already looking forward to it.
Douglass tries everything he can think of to save his ailing marriage. When his wife tells him she‘s thinking of leaving him, he decides they should go through with the Grand Tour of Europe they had planned with their 17 year old son. Many memorable moments ensue, some funny and some bittersweet. I enjoyed this book, and I think anyone in a long term relationship could find a lot to relate to.
This book had such a lot to live up too as One Day is one of my favoriate books so I was expecting amazing things from this author. And he delivered! I love this, I laughed out loud, I sobbed and in so many ways I could feel Excatly where each of the characters were coming from. I'm really sad to have finished this, I'm going to miss Douglas and his family.
7| #ABBAInAugust
Douglas instantly came to mind for today‘s prompt of #WhyDidItHaveToBeMe 😂
An enjoyable read about a disastrous “Grand Tour” and the dynamics between the family members who have embarked on it. A light read which is still able to delve into some serious topics. Slightly too dragged out for my liking which scores David Nicholls‘ “Us” three stars.
See more about this book and what I thought using the link on my profile! 📚
The title of the Beatles song #FromMeToYou was inspired by a letters column in the New Music Express called "From You to Us". So here is the David Nicholls novel "Us". ?
Pretty excited for this one!!!! Didn't know he came out with a new book!!
Day 2 of jury duty. They have 3(!!!) large bookshelves and the selection is actually pretty good! This confirms my theory that Portland is Book Town USA.
Really struggling to find the will to find I this book despite being 60 pages from the end 😓
An easy read on marriage and parenthood. No literature with a capital L, I guess, but I liked it. A lot was very recognizable for me, that's probably why. Also I liked the travelling part and some real good observations of art and paintings in the various European musea Nicholls describes. But that's also quite personal. #booker #manbooker
The story is told through the perspective of Douglas and his feelings and emotions towards his family and the people he has met along the way as well as the ups and downs of his life. An enjoyable and funny book. #travelbook #us #davidnicholls
Three hardbacks for $16, yes please. Thanks Barnes & Noble.
Was excited about this one until I saw the 33% approval rating here on Litsy. Wish me luck!
Starter for Ten is one of my all-time favorite books. One Day made me hope I could write a book half as good one day. This? This is not on that level. It's the story of Douglas, a man whose wife tells him that she wants a divorce shortly before their family is to embark on a European tour. They go on the tour anyway and Douglas has a journey of the heart in the process. The plot was unbelievable and the wife's motive for divorce was weak.
Laughed out loud at many parts of this audiobook. Great narrator! Once you accept the idea that a man would actually go through with a family vacation after his wife tells him she is going to leave him after the trip, it's great!😄
Torn between "so-so and "good". Enjoyed the book, well written, in terms of structure. Douglas and Claire marry; Douglas in love; can't believe a woman like Claire would marry him. Claire, quite fond of Douglas, married him because he offers stability. Start a family and Douglas just never fits in. I felt quite sorry for him at times. Dry humor, which I love. Overall, a good enough read.
#TBR is Harry Potter and the Cursed Child #Shadows (or silhouettes) is Us #FeistyFeb