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Wings of Fire 1: The Dragonet Prophecy
Wings of Fire 1: The Dragonet Prophecy | Tui T. Sutherland
Seven dragon tribes have been at war for generations. A secret movement called the Talons of Peace is determined to bring an end to the fighting, with the help of a prophecy. Five dragonets are enlisted, against their will, to end the terrible war. But when they escape their prison, the result may be more than intended . . .
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Blueberry I like your graphics. 2mo
Purpleness @Blueberry Thanks; I use the picollage app. 2mo
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Dragons!! 🐉

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Dragonet Prophecy | Tui T Sutherland
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All of my students have been reading this series so I figured that I at least needed to read the first one. Now I get it! Great early middle read. I‘ll probably ask to borrow their copies!:). I love Clay the dragon.

FlowerFairy My daughter loves this series. 3y
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I can't believe it's taken me this long to start this series! It's so cute! 🐉📚💕 #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #roxas

wanderinglynn Look at the cutie all stretched out! ❤️🐱 4y
Moonprismpower Yes hi. Please pet your adorable cat for me. 😍😍😍 what is his/her name? 4y
The_Penniless_Author I'm reading this exact book to my daughter at bedtime right now! (She's read it twice before, but she loves Wings of Fire that much 😄). 4y
Branwen @wanderinglynn We were both very cozy! 😸 @Moonprismpower I will give him a huggle for you! His name is Roxas! 😻 @The_Penniless_Author That's so sweet! I can totally see why she loves it so much! It's a fantastic book so far! 🐉💕📚 4y
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When your Friday night consists of reading dragon books...with your dragons! 😃🐉💕📚

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Starting this tonight with my son. The book set came with a bookmark too.

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1. Mostly dog, but sometime cat
2. Kids are cautiously in school

@Soytoosaucy @Saas @TK-421

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My 7 year old has read, and loved, the graphic novel adaptation, but is now reading the novel. While reading the prologue, he said, “Mom, this is powerful.” This sweet boy. Not sure what I did to deserve him. 💚


LeahBergen Ohhhhh. 💕💕 5y
BookishMe WOW 5y
Megabooks 💖💖 5y
JennyM ♥️ 5y
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These books interested me because I read comic book recreation, but when read this one I was not that invested in it. I was kind of bored of it, I had to skim through it a lot, but I really liked reading the comic book version, and that shows that I‘m into pictures not words but over all this one is the same as the original so you will get the same story if you read either of them. Original book rating: 5/10 comic book rating: 8.5/10

The Dragonet Prophecy | Tui Sutherland, Shannon McManus
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Wings of fire - The Dragonet Prophecy ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Wings of Fire- The dragonet prophecy is a story about 5 dragonets who live in a cave and are supposed to stop the Great War. I love this book and finished reading it in 1.5 days. 😍

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I love the entire series of wings of fire I would recommend this book if love reading fantasy. I just love reading this book and imagining myself of some of the characters. I loved book one. They just learned so much about there self‘s in book 1.

Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌺🤗 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 💖📖💖 5y
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I enjoyed it! I stumbled upon it on #hoopla and decided to give it a try. I‘m not disappointed. I love that it‘s told through the perspective of the dragons and it‘s a world of dragons and not humans. Wonderfully narrated.

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I have 59 minutes left in this audiobook, so I started looking for the next one in the series...but I couldn‘t find it. I was searching for “The Dragonet Prophecy” instead of “Wings of Fire” like a dummy. 🤦🏽‍♀️ it‘s so late my brain isn‘t working right. So I jumped the gun and frantically looked for the series on amazon. Needless to say the boxed set of books 1-5 will get to me on Friday and I just found the audiobooks on hoopla. 😔 🧠 💨

TheBookAddict For some reason I kept thinking the series was called The Dragonet Prophecy instead of it just being the subtitle for the 1st book. 🤦🏽‍♀️ 🤷🏽‍♀️ yay, more books I guess. 😆😅🙌🏽 📚 (edited) 5y
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Tsunami: “Stop making her mad!”
Clay: “Me?! What did I do?”
Tsunami: “Well, you‘re a handsome idiot.”

😂😂😂 👍🏽 loving this story! #audiocrocheting #hoopla #litsyloveslibraries

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I didn‘t get to my yoga routine nor my treadmill time, but I did quite a bit. I got some cleaning done. I started this audiobook while I finished crocheting this cute bear for my friend‘s daughter. We also were outside for quite a while teaching Sy how to ride a bike without training wheels. 🚲 #BFC @wanderinglynn

Freespirit That bear is gorgeous!❤️ 5y
wanderinglynn Sounds like a great day! 🙌🏻 And that bear is adorable! 5y
BookwormAHN Fantastic bear 👏🏻 5y
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This book sent me off to a whole new world! I fell in love with the characters and couldn't bear to see Clay get hurt! I absolutely adored this book! Couldnt make it better

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The boys‘ latest car audiobook. They‘re enthralled by this tale of dragons and dragonets but it‘s not for me. Usually I listen along as I drive them to school and activities but I‘ve pretty much tuned this one out. Don‘t get me wrong, I kinda love dragons but for some reason this book just wasn‘t sticking w me

Jeannie My daughter is gobbling up this series right now :) 6y
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Dragonet Prophecy | Tui T Sutherland

Read this one to my son. Pretty good and I got into it a bit, but a little over his head sometimes. When he‘s interested, I‘d read him another and enjoy the story, too.

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Dragonet Prophecy | Tui T Sutherland
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Hello there! @saguarosally 😊

1. Puerto Rico 🌴
2. My lovely friend Naja @blissfullifeproject told me about it and I decided to try it out!
3. I absolutely LOVE The Host!
4. Yes! When I was younger I had one 😄

blissfullifeproject ❤❤❤❤❤❤ 7y
tamyasreading @blissfullifeproject 💙💙💙💙💙 7y
saguarosally 💛💚💜💚💕💜💕💛 7y
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Dragonet Prophecy | Tui T Sutherland
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My eight year old just started this and I've never read it. Going to try to squeeze it in so we can talk about it. Hoping I can stay just a bit ahead of her! 😊

LeslieO They are so popular in my library. There are 9 in the series so far so if he likes it he has lots to look forward to! 8y
Peddler410 @LeslieO She actually wanted me to buy her the most recent because she liked the cover 😂Since it was still in hardcover I told her we needed to start at the beginning! 8y
LeslieO Oh! I said he and she's a she!Hope she loves them ! 8y
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Enjoying the glorious weather we are having here in Arkansas (70 in February!!) by diving into this series that is very popular with my students. I've been wanting to read it all year, but the first book kept getting checked out, so I'm hoping it's as good as they all seem to make it out to be. So far I haven't been disappointed, but I've always been fond of a good dragon story.

Dragonet Prophecy | Tui T Sutherland
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Series-starter featuring five dragonets that are supposed to save their world from a war. Their friendship is great because in their world, they are unlikely friends.

I loved discussing characterization + plot points with my kids, who love these books. There is plenty of action + adventure, friendship + teamwork, betrayal + war. The beginning is a little bit slow as there are several characters to learn, but the payoff is worth it.


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Dragonet Prophecy | Tui T Sutherland
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#currentlyreading - My girls have been asking me to read this series for months. So they can discuss it with me. It's one of their all-time favorites. They are so excited that I finally picked it up, which is fun. And dragons are also fun. So this is a win for all of us 😉🐲


Laura317 I love when my kids ask me to read a book they love. ❤️ 8y
saresmoore Ooh, fun! I'm looking forward to hearing what you think! 8y
intothehallofbooks @Laura317 Me too! 😍👏🏻 8y
intothehallofbooks @saresmoore I can see why my kids like these characters so much. I liked this more than I realized I would. It was fun to read but even more fun to talk about this or that with them every few pages. 😊I think I'll continue with the series. 8y
saresmoore Wonderful! Thank you for sharing! 8y
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