Kate Spade always says to find your own style. Keep it classy and your own. This book always inspires me to find clothing that expresses me. #floralfashion
Kate Spade always says to find your own style. Keep it classy and your own. This book always inspires me to find clothing that expresses me. #floralfashion
Let‘s help @TheReadingMermaid pick her next profile picture! I love the wackiness of #1, but I think you look so pretty in #3 that I have to make that my official vote. 😃 My favorite genres are literary and historical fiction. Thanks for the opportunity to play!
You will be missed! One of my favorites! Class act all the way
When I got my first real job in NYC and got my first real paycheck, I blew it on books at the Strand. When I got my next paycheck the following week, I went to the Kate Spade store in SOHO and bought a purse. The next week I got an eviction notice on my door, so I got smacked into reality.
Love you, Kate Spade ❤️
So my Kate Spade iPhone case - “library” came today. It is gorgeous. Books include Little Women, Alice, Emma, and Peter Pan. Also, the dogs thought the package was a Barkbox delivery... sorry beagles! #romantsy #phonephun