My #blinddatebookswap came this morning! I can't find the person that sent it to me in the database, but thanks I can wait to open it!
My #blinddatebookswap came this morning! I can't find the person that sent it to me in the database, but thanks I can wait to open it!
I love this idea. And one of these days I will be brave enough to say yes! But not today. 🙈🙉🙊 Have you ever had a blind date with a book?
Yesterday, my project was to make paper roses for our Blind Date with a Book Display! (Also: do I have the best job, or what?) Here are my roses as well as another challenge! Can anyone guess this one? This time, I've marked the answer in the comments under a spoiler tag.
Today is my local book club's holiday party and the theme is 'Blind date with a book'. we choose the book by the description on the front. I'm excited to see which one I'll choose. 🤔😺 I also made a caprese salad and Luke's coffee cake. #BookClub #HolidayEdition #BooksAndFood